“The Lost civilization” 4 th grade I term Common Core “The Lost civilization” 4 th grade I term Common Core
“The Lost civilization”
Stages First Stage Exploratory stage Giving instructions and general information about the projects: goals, methodology, rules. Answering questions about the development of the project From February 3rd to 14th Second Stage Guided Stage Research for the information required for each subject and share it with your group partners in order to establish each one’s responsibilities From February 17 th to March 14 th Final Presentation Oral presentation Oral explanation of the work using a Power Point presentation or other creative material elaborated by students. From March 17 th to 21st
Contenidos y Desempeños ASIGNATURASCONTENIDOSDESEMPEÑOS ENGLISH because, so, and, but could couldn't Simple past Simple present Vocabulary countryside Students will be able to talk about different aspects of their imaginary civilization using the past tense and writing sentences using connectors and could couldn’t MATHS Natural Numbers Place Value: Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers Rounding six digit numbers Addition Subtraction Students will create and represent their own numeric system using different signs and symbols and uses it in addition and subtraction operations.
Contenidos y Desempeños ASIGNATURACONTENIDOSDESEMPEÑOS HISTORY Culturas Prehispánicas americanas : aspectos generales de los mayas, aztecas e incas Línea de tiempo Takes important and notable elements from the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas civilizations to built your own civilization. Uses the knowledge about time line to elaborate the time line of his own civilization GEOGRAPHY Paralelos y meridianos-Altitud y latitud- Hemisferio: elementos conceptuales. Clima: elementos, factores y pisos térmicos. Describes the elements of climate affecting the cultural and economic aspects of the civilization. Locates the civilization using a map RELIGION Las religiones y la historia: Religiones monoteístas Inicio de la religión: Los primeros Profetas Origen de los dioses Talks about the type of religion practiced in your civilization, the main characteristics and describes the worshipped god (or gods).
ACTIVIDADES DE EXPLORACIÓN: Entrega 1: ENGLISH: Activity: Giving instructions and general information about the projects: goals, methodology, rules. Answering questions about the development of the project Evaluation: Conformation of the groups and assignment MATHS MATHS: Activity: Giving instructions and general information about the projects: goals, methodology, rules. Answering questions about the development of the project Evaluation: Conformation of the groups, sharing information about the topics.
ACTIVIDADES DE EXPLORACIÓN: Entrega 1: HISTORY HISTORY: Activity: Giving instructions and general information about the projects: goals, methodology, rules. Answering questions about the development of the project Evaluation: Conformation of the groups, sharing information about the topics GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY: Activity: Giving instructions and general information about the projects: goals, methodology, rules. Answering questions about the development of the project Evaluation: Conformation of the groups, sharing information about the topics
ACTIVIDADES DE EXPLORACIÓN: Entrega 2: ENGLISH Activity: Research for the information required for each subject and share it with your group partners in order to establish each one’s responsibilities Evaluation: draft of the project and progress in the topics area. MATHS MATHS: Activity: Research for the information required for each subject and share it with your group partners in order to establish each one’s responsibilities Evaluation: draft of the project and progress in the topics area.
ACTIVIDADES DE EXPLORACIÓN: Entrega 2: HISTORY HISTORY: Activity: Research for the information required for each subject and share it with your group partners in order to establish each one’s responsibilities Evaluation: draft of the project and progress in the topics area. GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY: Activity: Research for the information required for each subject and share it with your group partners in order to establish each one’s responsibilities Evaluation Evaluation: draft of the project and progress in the topics area.
Proyecto de síntesis Entrega Final ENGLISH ENGLISH: –Expressing their thoughts and talk in the past tense, making sentences using different connectors, talking about the civilization in written and oral way. MATHS MATHS: –Creation and representation of their own numeric system using different signs and symbols and its use in addition and subtraction operations.
Proyecto de síntesis Entrega Final HISTORY: –Showing relation between the most important and notable elements from the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas civilizations with their own civilization.GEOGRAPHY: –Description of the main elements of climate affecting the cultural and economic aspects of the civilization. RELIGION : - - Explaining the kind of religion the civilization practiced and its gods.