DESERT Group Members: Alfred Leong(10) Raphael Low(13) Lum Miao Sen(14) Matthew Chang(16)
World Map Sahara Desert Arabian Desert Gobi Desert
World Map (Sahara Desert) Countries: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara
Sahara desert Climate: ●Temperature: above 30 degrees in summer,13 degrees in winter ●Northeasterly winds can reach hurricane levels,creating sand storms and dust devils ●Half of the desert receives less than an inch of rain,while the other half receives 4 inches of rain ●The infrequent rain is usually torrential.
Sahara desert climate graph
Pictures of Sahara Desert Fun Fact: The highest peak in the Sahara is the volcano Emi Koussi (3415 metres) in the Northern Chad.
World Map (Arabian Desert) Countries: Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Arabian desert Climate: ●Tropical desert ● Temperature: 54 degrees during summer, -12 degrees in winter ●There is high humidity during summer ●Rainfall ranges from 0-20 inches, though the average rainfall is 4 inches ●The rain is infrequent and may be torrential ●There is snow a layer on ice on ponds during winter
Arabian desert climate graph
Arabian Desert Pictures and Fact Fun Fact: The Arabian Desert is the second largest hot desert in the world, but it is almost 1/3 the size of the Sahara.
World Map (Gobi Desert) Countries: Mongolia, China
Gobi desert Climate: ●Temperature: 50 degrees in summer,-40 degrees in winter ●Temperature can change up to 15 degrees in just 24hs ●Average of 7.6 inches of rainfall per year ●Up to 5000 feet above sea level at some areas ●Northerly position on the globe ●Occasional snow on the top of dunes ●High winds resulting in sandstorms and snowstorms
Gobi Desert Climate Graph
Gobi Desert Pictures and Fact Fun Fact: The first fossils of dinosaur eggs were found in the Gobi Desert.