ICT for ECE and 1st level Primary
THE 3 PIGS LISTEN TO THE STORY &mid=B78FF672BBF5315D1A72B78FF672BBF5315 D1A72&view=detail&FORM=VIRE1# &mid=B78FF672BBF5315D1A72B78FF672BBF5315 D1A72&view=detail&FORM=VIRE1# We listen to the story several times, but in different days We show the chidren some movements to do while listening to the story: I´ll have, I´ll paff, I´ll blow your house down (blowing), knocking on the door, etc After listening to the story, we do some activities that we have already done in click. A continuación, les diré cómo trabajar estas actividades con los niños. Voy sacando uno a uno a realizarlas y en 3 años, yo les ayudo con el ratón y les pregunto:What did he say? Fantastic? Yes, because you did it very well
ICT in Primary Nowadays, every school has got an Althia Room with computers.And, in many schools there are digital boards. We can work the 5 skills with the Internet LISTENING. Our students listen to do something For example, they listen to colour a flag They listen to do the shopping They listen to the witch to find some objects
READING They read to answer some questions They read to show comprehension comprehension/birthday-game.pdfhttp:// comprehension/birthday-game.pdf They can read for pleasure (Around the world in 80 days) And they can read songs singing with the karaoke
WRITING Our chidren can write their own comments about different topics turn/cooking And they can write their own stories with their own pictures in this page : storyjumper.com
SPEAKING Repeating easy tongue twisters lorry-yellow-lorry-0 ORAL INTERACTION Talking to some other students. The teacher had previously arranged everything.
LISTENING AND READING Reading and listening to stories /short-stories/the-mummy
WEBS hool/activities/5hungrycrocs.as phttp:// hool/activities/5hungrycrocs.as p hool/activities/5hungrycrocs.as phttp:// hool/activities/5hungrycrocs.as p room/songsci02/fitxers/16.swfhttp:// room/songsci02/fitxers/16.swf a?p_id=27866http:// a?p_id=27866
oom/fitxers/infantil/clothes.sw fhttp:// oom/fitxers/infantil/clothes.sw f
Working with different web pages to do their own works. VOKI It´s a beautiful page where children can create their own voki and this voki speaks in English and say s what you tell him/ her to say. TUTORIAL: GLOSTER TUTORIAL: 8# 8#! GOOGLE DOCS
Educative resources for very young pupils and for Primary students flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and children's song lyrics. Free resources for teachers of young learners and activities all ready for printing. Very nice page with a lot of stories, songs, games and many other things
Pictures to colour. Stories on line, activities on line, arts and crafts for very young learners
Las TIC en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras Ponente: MIGUEL ÁNGEL MILÁN 2. Recursos educativos en la Red para Infantil y Primaria Lesson plans, tips and suggestions for teaching children. The resource bank for CLIL Teachers. Printable ESL Worksheets, Games for ESL Classrooms, EFL Videos, PPT Lessons Videos, Interactive Kids Vocabulary & Grammar Quizzes, Powerpoint downloads for English teaching and learning. ESL / EFL. Primary and Secondary Education.
Language Arts, Maths, Social Sciences, puzzles, holidays, games... Web pages to work different subjects BBC.To work literacy, maths and science