Snakes and Other Reptiles By: Mary Pope Osborne & Natalie Pope Boyce
a snake skeleton
A bird like dinosaur: Pteranodon
A reptile like dinosaur
A Leaf Chameleon: World's Smallest Reptile
Egg Tooth
Ganesha: Indian God
Smallest snake in the world: Barbados Thread Snake
A "flying" snake
Snake Soup is a fancy meal in Hong Kong, China.
California Red-sided Garter Snake World's Most Colorful Snake
Spitting Cobra
Coral Snake
Black Mamba
King Cobra
The Komodo Dragon is endangered.
The Basilisk Lizard runs on water!
A baby albino snake
A baby albino alligator.
A chameleon can change colors.
Saltwater Crocodile
Baby croc hitches a ride on mom!
Adult alligator will go through 3,000 teeth during it's lifetime.
American Crocodile
Don't worry... you won't find me in PA!!!
Flour turtles from China
Leatherback Turtle = largest turtle in the world!
Sea Turtle
Baby turtles making their way to the ocean!
There are only 5,000 Komodo Dragons left in the wild.
The Puff Adder is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world!
Flying Snake taking off...