Development of novel Silicon detectors for next generation nuclear physics experiments (SIDET) O. Kiselev University of Mainz JRA21/JRA22
Integrated E – E detectors New technological process – Quasi-Selective Epitaxy E-E scatter plots obtained after irradiation by heavy ions and alpha particles Novel double-sided monolithic E-E detector Potential applications – GANIL, LNL Legnaro, LNS Catania, GSI
Membrane-like E detectors Anodic dissolution of large area n – n+ epitaxial oxidated structures Potential applications – GANIL, LNL Legnaro, LNS Catania, GSI Very thin strip detectors produced by new technology - Planar Process Partially Performed on Thin Silicon Membrane (PPPP process) Passivated 52 µm thick transmission E strip detector
Sub-segmented strip detectors 2D position sensitivity on one side (like pixel detectors) Same number and type of readout channels as strip detectors µm position resolution is possible Large pads on back side for timing/trigger Thin dead layer on front side – low energy threshold Spectroscopy Potential applications – any nuclear physics experiment, medicine, safety Absolutely novel technique!
Thick Si calorimeters Very good energy resolution High efficiency Low noise Thick (7-10 mm) Li drifted Si detectors (SiLi) Very expensive Very long and complicated production process Almost no producers in the world Thick (≥3 mm) Si PIN detectors Very good energy resolution High efficiency Low noise Simple and fast production Any active area possible Low price Need an R&D on voltage termination at the detector periphery Careful choice of the Si wafers Potential applications – GANIL, LNL Legnaro, LNS Catania, GSI
Particle and ion ID Spectroscopy Position measurement Self-triggering, TOF measurement Integrated E-E detector Summary of JRA activity Membrane-like strip detector Sub-segmented strip detector Thick Si calorimeters Merging potential with some other JRAs – dialog is going on Substantial improvement Full advanced telescope for charged particle detection
Institute of Electronic Materials Technology and Uni Warsaw; CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory; GSI Darmstadt, University of Mainz, Helsinki Institute of Technology; University of Huelva; CEA Saclay, GANIL, Caen; Mid-Sweden University, Uppsala University; INFN LNL, Legnaro, INFN LNS, Catania; LPSC Grenoble, France; associated partners PTI, St. Petersburg; RIMST, Zelenograd; BNL, Brookhaven Substantial support in many institutes will be available Partners: