Identification: classic and DNA Ivana Samardžić Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat
...of the living and the dead investigation of any death the living – inability to identify themselves, immigration, inheritance
Morphological characteristics only by MATCHING the parameters specific feature possesed by the individual height, weight and general physique hair color and length, moustache, skin pigmentation, eye color clothing, jewellery, ornaments facial appearance, age
Fingerprints position of minute defects on the ridges no less than 16 points of similarity chances for identical fingerprint: 1:64 billion
Identity from teeth identification of the dead, bite marks, estimation of age commonly comparison of antemortem dental chartings with the direct examination of the teeth mass disasters no previous records – age, sex and ethnic origin
Identification of the origin of tissue or samples blood, semen, saliva, stains on bodies, weapons, clothing matching remains resolution of paternity, maternity and inheritance disputes
The individuality of cells blood grups and Rh factor – possibility to exclude 93% of non- matching samples replaced with DNA analysis of human tissue and fluid
Identification by DNA profiling nearly 100% in exclusion and in identification 10% are active genes 90 % are “silent” – zone of 200 to repeats of identical sequences of bases are constant and transmitted from parents – ESSENTIAL for DNA analysis! “bar code”
risk of contamination blood, hair with roots; samples of spleen; samples of spleen; buccal smears; vaginal, anal and penile swabs buccal smears; vaginal, anal and penile swabs paternity/maternity testing every bar in the “bar code” must have come from either the father or mother, half from each
Tatoos and body piercing there has to be comparison photographs and drawings if visual identification is not possible
Identity of decomposed or skeletalized remains are the remains actually bones? are the remains human? one or more bodies? what sex are the bones? – pelvis and skull age, height, race? can a personal identity be discovered? YouTube - Crime 360: Human Bone Identification YouTube - Crime 360: Human Bone Identification
Facial reconstruction from skulls measuring the average soft-tissue thickness at many points on the skull and rebuilding this layer with plasticine on unknown skull computerized reconstruction individuality of faces? what about eyes and lips?
Richard Sheperd: Simpson’s Forensic Medicine, Hodder Arnold