Bone Terminology
Process –A prominent projection –Example: coronoid processExample: coronoid process –Example: zygomatic processExample: zygomatic process –Example: styloid processExample: styloid process –Example: mastoid processExample: mastoid process Condyle –A rounded process which articulates with another bone –Example: occipital condyleExample: occipital condyle –Example: femurExample: femur Crest –Narrow, ridge-like projection –Example: iliac crestExample: iliac crest Epicondyle –Projection located above a condyle –Example: humerousExample: humerous –Example: femurExample: femur More Bone Terminology
Skull (lateral) coronoid process RETURN
Skull (lateral) zygomatic process of temporal bone RETURN
Skull (lateral) styloid process
Skull (inferior) styloid process styloid process
Skull (sagittal) styloid process RETURN
Skull (lateral) mastoid process
Skull (inferior) mastoid process mastoid process RETURN
Skull (inferior) occipital condyle occipital condyle RETURN
Right Femur Anterior Posterior medial condyle lateral condyle RETURN
Pelvis iliac crest RETURN
Humerus (left) lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle RETURN
Right Femur Anterior Posterior lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle RETURN
Bone Terminology Facet –Small flat surface –Example: vertebral columnExample: vertebral column Fontanel –Soft spot in immature skull –Examples: infant skullExamples: infant skull Foramen –An opening through a bone –Example: foramen magnumExample: foramen magnum –Example: vertebral and transverse foraminaExample: vertebral and transverse foramina Fossa –Deep depression –Example: humerousExample: humerous More Bone Terminology
Vertebral Column facet RETURN
Infant Skull (lateral) anterior fontanel sphenoid fontanel posterior fontanel
Infant Skull (superior) anterior fontanel RETURN
Skull (inferior) foramen magnum RETURN
Vertebral Column transverse foramen vertebral foramen RETURN
Humerus (left) olecranon fossa coronoid fossa RETURN
Bone Terminology Fovea –Shallow depression –Example: femurExample: femur Head –Enlargement at end of bone –Example: humerusExample: humerus –Example: femurExample: femur –Example: radius/ulnaExample: radius/ulna Meatus –A tube through a bone –Example: external auditory meatusExample: external auditory meatus Sinus –Hollow cavity through a bone –Example: skullExample: skull More Bone Terminology
Right Femur AnteriorPosterior fovea capitis RETURN
Humerus (left) head RETURN
Right Femur AnteriorPosterior head RETURN
Radius and Ulna head of radius RETURN
Skull (lateral) external auditory meatus RETURN
Skull (sagittal) frontal sinus sphenoidal sinus RETURN
Bone Terminology Spine –Thorn-like projection –Example: scapulaExample: scapula Suture –Union line between bones –Example: skullExample: skull Trochanter –Large process –Example: femurExample: femur Tubercle –Knob-like process –Example: humerusExample: humerus Tuberosity –Large tubercle –Example: humerusExample: humerus –Example: radius/ulnaExample: radius/ulna REVIEW
Scapula (right posterior) spine RETURN
Skull (lateral) coronal suture lambdoidal Suture squamosal suture
Skull (inferior) lambdoidal suture lambdoidal suture
Skull (sagittal) squamosal suture lambdoidal suture
Infant Skull (lateral) coronal suture
Infant Skull (superior) sagittal suture frontal suture RETURN
Right Femur AnteriorPosterior greater trocanter lesser trochanter RETURN
Humerus (left) greater tubercle lesser tubercle RETURN
Humerus (left) deltoid tuberosity RETURN
Radius and Ulna radial tuberosity radius ulna RETURN
Skull (lateral) coronal suture coronoid process zygomatic process of temporal bone mandibular condyle styloid process mastoid process external auditory meatus lambdoidal suture squamosal suture
Skull (inferior) styloid process mastoid process occipital condyle lambdoidal suture styloid process mastoid process occipital condyle lambdoidal suture foramen magnum
Skull (sagittal) frontal sinus squamosal suture lambdoidal suture styloid process sphenoidal sinus
Infant Skull (lateral) anterior fontanel coronal suture sphenoid fontanel posterior fontanel
Infant Skull (superior) sagittal suture anterior fontanel frontal suture
Vertebral Column facet transverse foramen transverse process vertebral foramen facet spinous process transverse process
Scapula (right posterior) spine
Humerus (left) head greater tubercle lesser tubercle deltoid tuberosity olecranon fossa lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle coronoid fossa
Radius and Ulna head of radius radial tuberosity radius ulna styloid process
Right Femur AnteriorPosterior greater trocanter fovea capitis head lesser trochanter lateral epicondyle medial epicondyle medial condyle lateral condyle
Credits Vitruvian Man: Lateral skull: Inferior skull: Sagittal skull: Pelvis: Infant skull lateral: Infant skull superior: tm tm Vertebral Column: Scapula: Humerus: Tibia: