Cover The Human Skeleton A journey around your bones… Click here to start…here Esc
Click on areas to see detail Whole skeleton Esc
Skull – front view Move over areas to see detail Esc Skull - side view
Skull - side view Skull – side view Move over areas to see detail Esc Skull – front view
Rib Cage Rib cage Move over areas to see detail Esc
Pelvis Move over areas to see detail Esc
Pelvis Esc Nerves leave spine through these holes
Foot Bones of the Foot Move over areas to see detail Esc
Hand Bones of the Hand Move over areas to see detail Esc
Arm bones Upper arm Lower arm
Leg bones Move the cursor over the speaker icons to hear names of the bones
Spine Spinal Column: Move the cursor across to play sounds
Final I thank you!!! Esc