Wednesday Dec 7
Bone Classification The skeleton can be divided into ______ broad categories based on their individual shapes Objective: To learn the categories and be able to put various bones into their appropriate category.
Flat bones _______, roughly parallel surfaces Functions 1. Provide __________ for underlying soft tissues 2. Provides extensive surface area for the attachment of ___________________
Irregular bones Shape Complex shape with short, flat, notched, or rigid surfaces Examples ______________ Bones of the Pelvis Some skull bones
Short bones Shape ___________ and boxy Examples Carpals Tarsals
Long Bones Long bones Relatively long and slender Examples ________________ Phalanges Radias Factiod The femur is the largest and heaviest bone in the body. The body is usually _______ times the length of this bone
Sutural Bones Sutural bones (Wormian bones) Known as extra sutural bones Small, flat, irregularly shaped bones between the flat bones of the skull Factoid These bones __________ in number, shape, and position of sutural bones. Borders are like pieces of a jigsaw _____________, size ranges from a grain of sand to a quarter
Sesamoid Bones Small, flat, and shaped somewhat like a ________________ seed. Develop inside tendons and are most commonaly located near joints at the knees, the hands, and the feet. Factoid Everyone has 2 patella but there is potential for up to 26 of these bones
The Skull Contains ______ bones: 8-cranium (braincase) and 14- facial ____ bones are associated with the skull in addition to the 22 above Inside- blood vessels, nerves, and membranes that stabilize the position of the brain are attached to the inner surfaces of the skull Outside- The outer surfaces provides an extensive area for the attachment of ______________ that move the eyes, jaws, and head
Termanology In the adult skull ____________________ are the immovable joints between the skull bones ______________ bones(skull bones) form the cranium. This protects the, a fluid-filled chamber that cushions and supports the brain. ______________ bumps on the bones
Occipital bone The lamboid suture arches across the posterior surface of the skull, superior to the Occipital bone.
Parietal Bones There are 2 Seperated by the ______________ suture
Frontal Bones ______________ suture attaches the frontal bone to the parietal bones on either side Forms the anterior of the cranium Forms the roof of the Orbits (eye socket)
Temporal Bones There are 2 The Squamous suture forms a boundry temporal and parietal bones Styloid Process Mastoid Process
Sphenoid Unites cranial and facial bones Forms part of the floor of the cranium. A cross brace that strengthens the sides of the skull
Zygomatic Bones There are 2 Form part of the _________________ Forms the lateral wall of the orbit (eye socket) Zygomatic Process Temporal Process The two processes form the zygomatic arch
Nasal Bones Supports the superior portion of the bridge of the nose. Conects to cartilage the will support the distal portion of the nose
Ethmoid Forms The anteromedial floor of the cranium The roof of the nasal cavity Part of the nasal septum Medial orbital wall
Maxillae Supports the upper teeth Forms the inferior portion of the orbital rim Upper jaw Most of the hard palate
Mandible Lower portion of the jaw
Small bones Lacrimal bones Palatine bones
Vomer Conche
Hyoid __________________ bone Supports the larynx The attachment site for muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and tongue
Auditory ossicles Located with in the ______________ ear cavity Enclosed in the _________________ bone Allow us to hear by conducting vibrations produced by sound waves
Processes A ___________ feature that changes as we change Increases bone surface area, provides more places for ___________ to attach Larger processes grow for attachment of well developed muscles Funny bone
Processes Olecranon 2 styloid processes
Malleolus processes epicondyle
Illiac Crest, ischial tuberocity, ischial spine
Notch at the top- Suprasternal notch
Acromion Spinous
Gender Differences
Femure Length: Male >450 mm; Female <390 mm (uncertain range mm) Femure head diameter: Male >45.5 mm; Female <41.5 (uncertain range mm)
Class Chp 6 Bone Chp 6.7 for fetal skeleton Chp 7.8 for fetal cranium Knowledge Quiz