The Nervous System
The central nervous system (CNS ) Brain cranial nerves spinal cord The peripheral nervous system (PNS) Sensory (afferent) neurons Motor (efferent) neurons
Forebrain Midbrain Hindbrain
The BBB is anatomical and physiological “barrier” between brain and circulation. Molecular size Lipid solubility Molecular charge Concentration differences Specialized transport mechanism
Aluminum Neuropathy: degenerative changes in cortex Arsenic Neuropathy : axonal degeneration in PNS Methanol Neuropathy : degeneration in ganglion cells Methylmercury Neuropathy : neural degeneration Acrylamide Axonopathy : axonal degeneration Lead Neuropathy : brain swelling, axonal loss CarbontetrachlorideNeuropathy
Motor neurons: Muscle dysfunction, paralysis Interneurons: Memmory, learning coordination Sensory neurons: Dysfunction in vision,hearing, and senses,temperature,pressure,touch,taste,smell and pain.
Block the release of neurotransmitter (Botulinum). Produce uncontrolled release of neurotransmittor. Block impulse conduction along axons (anesthesia). Activate synaptic function (nicotine). Block synaptic function by interfering with normal calcium channel (lead, cobalt). Block reuptake or breakdown of neurotrasmittor resulting in receptor overstimulation (cocaine).