The Coast Guard’s Shifting Information Needs Since September 11 Nathaniel S. Heiner U.S. Coast Guard
Cutters and Aircraft Sept. 11, Cutters, 2 Aircraft 2 Cutters, 1 Aircraft 1 Cutter 4 Cutters, 2 Aircraft 1 Cutter 2 Cutters, 5 US Navy Ships, 3 Foreign Navy Ships, 15 Aircraft 1 Cutter SAR, Law Enforcement & CD, Fisheries, Joint OPS, Ice Breaking (Marine Safety, Port Safety) 11 Cutters, 6 Aircraft 5 Cutters, 2 Aircraft 1 Cutter, 1 MX Navy Ship, 1 Aircraft
Cutters and Aircraft Sept. 19, 2001 Port Security 1 Cutter Fisheries 1 Cutter, 1 Aircraft 3 Cutters, 3 US Navy Ships, Foreign Navy Ships, 15 Aircraft 2 Cutters, 2 Aircraft 2 Cutters, 3 Aircraft 3 Cutters, 5 Aircraft 1 Cutter, 1 Aircraft, 1 MX Navy Ship 1 Cutter Port Safety, Law Enforcement & CD, SAR, Joint OPS, Marine Safety, Ice Breaking, Fisheries 1 Cutter 5 Cutters, 4 Aircraft 3 Cutters, 1 Aircraft 10 Cutters, 3 Aircraft 3 Cutters, 1 Aircraft
Must Homeland Security Reduce the Coast Guard’s Mission Portfolio? Who Will Guard the Maritime Environment? Illegal Migration? Fisheries? Is this our new normalcy?
We are threatened by a glut of information
2% Interest Rates New Cabinet Position QDR widely considered invalid Major upswing in Unemployment Major Drop in Charitable Contributions Congress acting in Unity $40B Supplemental Postal Service Disabled Congress Shut Down Supreme Court Shut Down Continuous traffic jams Ports Closed 58% of CG OPS resources devoted to port security Telecomms Disabled Maritime insurance rates quadrupled All aircraft grounded Airports shut down Gasoline rates drop 96-Hour NOA Positive Vessel Control Most of nation roots for Yankees in World Series Risk-Based Decision Management
Prior to 9-11, w hat information would we have needed? Is Maritime Security any different?
Build Maritime Domain Awareness SIPRNET DMS GovNet Transponders Intelligence Fusion Centers Vessel & Facility Security Plans Deepwater and Coast Guard 911 “You will have every resource you need to do your job.” - President G.W. Bush
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