Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Media Feeder
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 2 Media Feeder Components Loader Buffer
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 3 Media Feeder Functions To handle the substrate from its source to the drum To cut the exact sheet length To support high throughput in a short loading time To wind the sheet continuously on the drum To accurately align the sheet to the drum To accommodate a large variety of substrate types To be easily maintained To prepare the next printing media during the printing process
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 4 Media Flow Up to Machine No. 50
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 5 Media Flow (Cont.) From Machine No. 51
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 6 Media Flow (Cont.) The media feeder assembly loads the substrate roll onto the drum and controls its movement during loading. The substrate passes through the following components on its way to the buffer: Guiding rolls Loading tray Loader rollers Cutter system Guiding plate Buffer belts and idler The substrate is pulled by the loader rolls and received by the buffer belts.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 7 Media Flow (Cont.) 1.Media is advanced by the loader's roller and through the guides (guiding rolls & guiding plates) rolls towards the buffer. 2.The media free falls inside the buffer “basket” with some help from buffer rolls and belts. 3.After completing to load the correct length of media, the cutter system cuts the media. 4.The substrate edge is caught between the idler roll and the buffer belts. The substrate edge is advanced by the buffer motor towards the output tray until the media reaches the optic sensor. 5.The substrate is then ready to be loaded on the drum.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 8 Buffer The buffer consists of the following: Idler roll – holds the media at the buffer entrance/exit. Buffer belts – guide the substrate into the buffer’s “basket”. Buffer “basket” – accommodated the substrate, whose rear side free falls into it, while waiting to be loaded on the drum. Output tray – delivers the media from the buffer towards the drum. Optical sensor – detects when the media edge reaches the pre-load position.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 9 Mounting the Substrate New substrate is mounted on a core rod. The core rod is assembled from the following parts: Core rod Left cone ring Right cone ring with thread Two fixing clamps
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 10 Mounting the Substrate (Cont.) 1.The substrate is mounted on the core rod. 2.The left cone ring is mounted and fixed on the core rod. 3.The right threaded con ring can be mounted on the core rod. By rotating the right cone ring on the thread, the right cone ring is tightened against the substrate. 4.The substrate is ready to be mounted on the media feeder. After mounting, the two fixing clamps can be fastened on the core rod in order to prevent unintended movement of the substrate left or right.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 11 Substrate Core Rod
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 12 Cutter Cutter disc 1 Cutter disc 2
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 13 Rear Operation Panel
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 14 Limit Switches and Sensors The media feeder consists of 2 cutter limit switches and one media in buffer optic sensor. The left & right cutter limit switches are magnetic readers. The magnet activator is located on the cutter assembly.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 15 Limit Switches and Sensors (Cont.) During the cut command, the cutter assembly cuts only from one direction. When the cutter assembly moves from right to left or the opposite, the magnet limit switches detect the magnet activator on the cutter assembly. According to the cutter location (right or left), the voltage to the cutter motor changes its polarity. Media in the buffer optic sensor detect the media that is advancing from the output tray of the buffer towards the drum’s grippers. As soon as the optic sensor detects the media, the media can be advanced accurately to the grippers.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 16 Functional Description of Inserting New Media Starting Point Before inserting the media, make sure that the Cutter Home Position indicator light on the loader is lit. The media roll is mounted on the loader. The media is inserted into the loader system via the rolls. The media lies flat and stretched out on the loading system tray.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 17 Functional Description of Inserting New Media (Cont.) Operation 1.The operator aligns the media sheet flattened on the loading tray. 2.To close the loader cylinders, the operator selects Attach Loader from the rear operation panel. 3.The loader solenoid is switched on and the loader's roller is attached. 4.To hold the media, the loader solenoid closes the loader cylinder. 5.To advance the media edge straight, press the “Paper Advance” button.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 18 Functional Description of Inserting New Media (Cont.) 6.A manual lead command is sent to the I/O controller, which is located inside the control unit at the electronic cabinet. 7.A manual lead command is sent to the computer by the I/O controller, via the ACB controller (located inside the control unit). 8.The computer orders the Galil to start the substrate feeding process for manual lead length, as shown in the software. 9.To activate the loader and buffer motors, signals are sent by the Galil board to the loader and buffer motor driver, via the ACB controller. 10.The MCDU supplies voltage to turn the loader and buffer motors on to software-designated speed.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 19 Functional Description of Inserting New Media (Cont.) 11.The loader pulls the media onto the buffer, through the cutting system. 12.The buffer rubber belts, are rotated by the buffer motor and cause the substrate to enter the buffer “basket” in a free fall. 13.An indication signal of the motors speed is sent back to the Galil board by the loader and buffer motor encoders. 14.The media length that has been fed is determined by the Galil board, according to the loader motor encoder. 15.To stop the motors, a signal is sent to MCDU by the Galil board, via the ACB controller, which is located inside the control unit.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 20 Functional Description of Inserting New Media (Cont.) 16.To cut the media lead, the operator presses the manual cut button. 17.A cut signal is sent from the manual cut button to the I/O controller (located in the control unit). 18.The I/O controller updates the computer on the cut signal, via the ACB controller (Both controllers are located inside the control unit). 19.A “Cut” signal is sent to the MSDU board by the I/O controller. 20.The MCDU reads the signals of the cutter limit switches to determine to which side the cutter will move.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 21 Functional Description of Inserting New Media (Cont.) 21.To move the cutter in the correct direction, voltage is supplied to the cutter motor by the MCDU. 22.The cutter knife moves from one side of the substrate to the other. 23.The cutter knife pushes the cutter destination limit switch. 24.When the cutter knife finishes the cutting process, a signal is sent to the MCDU. 25.The cutter motor’s voltage supply is shut down by the MCDU. 26.After the substrate has been cut, it is rolled into the buffer “basket”.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 22 Functional Description of Inserting New Media (Cont.) 27.The I/O controller reads the signals of the cutter limit switches. 28.The cut substrate lead is pulled out from the buffer “basket” by the operator.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 23 Functional Description of Printing on the Media Starting Point The media is inserted into the loading system. Operation 1.A printing order is given either by the operator or the last printing process. 2.The computer orders the Galil board to start the substrate feeding process with the printing job parameters. 3.To activate the loader and buffer motors, signals are sent by the Galil board, via the ACB controller, which is located inside the control unit to MCDU.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 24 Functional Description of Printing on the Media (Cont.) 4.The MCDU supplies voltages to turn the loader and buffer motors on to software-designated speed. 5.The media is pulled into the buffer “basket”, through the cutting system, by the loader roll. 6.The buffer rubber belts, rotated by the buffer motor, cause the media to roll inside the buffer “basket” in a free fall. 7.The loader and buffer motor encoder sends a signal of the motor speed to the Galil board. 8.The media length that has been fed is determined by the Galil board, according to the loader motor encoder.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 25 Functional Description of Printing on the Media (Cont.) 9.To stop the motors, the Galil board sends a signal to the MCDU, via the ACB controller (located inside the control unit). 10.To stop the loader and buffer motors, their voltage supply is cut by the MCDU. 11.To detect the cessation of the buffer and loader motors, their encoder signals are read by the Galil board. 12.The computer sends a “Cut” command to the I/O controller, via the ACB controller (both located inside the control unit). 13.The I/O controller sends a “cut” signal to the MCDU. 14.The signals of the cutter limit switches are read by the MCDU in order to determine to which side the cutter will move.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 26 Functional Description of Printing on the Media (Cont.) 15.To move the cutter in the correct direction, the MCDU supplies voltage to the cutter motor. 16.The cutter knife moves from one side of the substrate to the other. 17.The cutter destination limit switch is pushed by the cutter knife. 18.When the cutter knife has finished cutting, a signal is sent to the MCDU by the limit switch. 19.The voltage supply of the cutter motor is shut down by MCDU. 20.The signals of the cutter limit switches are read by the I/O controller.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 27 Functional Description of Printing on the Media (Cont.) 21.To indicate that the cutting process has ended, the I/O controller communicates with the computer via the ACB controller (both are located inside the control unit). 22.To start media “after cut “ feeding designated in the software, the computer orders the Galil board to feed media on a length designated by the software. 23.To turn on the buffer motor, a signal is sent to the MCDU by the Galil board, via the ACB controller. 24.To load the media that has been cut into the buffer “basket”, the MCDU supplies voltage to the buffer motor.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 28 Functional Description of Printing on the Media (Cont.) 25.An indication signal of the motor speed is sent to the Galil board by the buffer encoder. To stop the buffer motor, the Galil board sends a signal to the MCDU, via the ACB controller. To stop the buffer motor, its voltage supply is shut down by the MCDU. The computer is updated by the Galil board when a correct feed “after cut” length of media has been loaded into the buffer “basket”. 26.The computer orders the Galil board to roll the substrate sheet towards the drum (opposite direction).
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 29 Functional Description of Printing on the Media (Cont.) 27.The computer orders the Galil board to roll the substrate sheet towards the drum (opposite direction). 28.To turn the buffer motor in the opposite direction, a signal is sent to the MCDU by the Galil board, via the ACB controller. 29.To roll the substrate sheet towards the drum, the MCDU turns the buffer motor in the opposite direction. 30.When the substrate reaches the pre-load position, a detection signal is sent to the I/O controller by the optical sensor placed at the loader output tray.
Engineer Training Media Feeder TJ8300 / TJ8500 Confidential 30 Functional Description of Printing on the Media (Cont.) 31.The I/O controller updates the computer via the ACB controller that the substrate has been fed to pre-load position. The computer orders the Galil board to stop the substrate feeding towards the drum. To stop the buffer motor, a signal is sent to MCDU by the Galil board, via the MC controller. To stop substrate feeding, the buffer motor is shut down by the MCDU.