Horizontal Milling Operations
Group Members Khurram Shahzad BSME-01093023 Muhammad Usman BSME-01093032 Usman Ali BSME-01093044 Ali Asif BSME-01093084 Abdal Ahmad BSME-01093100 Mohsin Rashid BSME-01093165
Classification of Horizontal Milling Machines Manufacturing Type: Cutter height is controlled by vertical movement of headstock. Special Type: Designed for specific milling operations. Knee & Column Type: Relationship between cutter height and work is controlled by vertical movement of table.
Plain Manufacturing Milling Machine
Index Head Parts Headstock Quadrant Footstock Center Rest Universal Chuck
Direction of Feed: Conventional Most common method is to feed work against rotation direction of cutter
Direction of Feed: Climbing When cutter and work piece going in same direction It can increase cutter life up to 50%
List of Operations Plain Milling Face Milling Straddle Milling Saw Milling Gang Milling Form Milling Spline Milling Spur Gear Milling Helical Milling Keyway Milling Side Milling
PLAIN MILLING It is milling flat surfaces with the milling cutter axis parallel to the surface being milled. Generally, plain milling is done with the work piece surface mounted parallel to the surface of the milling machine table and the milling cutter mounted on a standard milling machine arbor. Slab mill is used in this process
STRADDLE MILLING When two or more parallel vertical surfaces are machined at a single cut, the operation is called straddle milling. Straddle milling is accomplished by mounting two side milling cutters on the same arbor, set apart at an exact spacing. Two sides of the workpiece are machined simultaneously and final width dimensions are exactly controlled. Side mill is used in this process
FACE MILLING Face milling is the milling of surfaces that are perpendicular to the cutter axis. Face milling produces flat surfaces and machines work to the required length. In face milling, the feed can be either horizontal or vertical. Face mill is used in this process
GANG MILLING In gang milling two or more milling cutters are mounted on the same arbor and used when cutting horizontal surfaces. All cutters may perform the same type of operation or each cutter may perform a different type of operation. For example, several work pieces need a slot, a flat surface, and an angular groove, The best method to cut these would be gang milling. It uses different types of milling cutters
FORM MILLING Form milling is the process of machining special contours composed of curves and straight lines, or entirely of curves, at a single cut. This is done with formed milling cutters, shaped to the contour to be cut. It uses concave, convex & corner rounding cutters
SAWING AND PARTING Metal slitting saw milling cutters are used to part stock on a milling machine. Figure illustrates parting solid stock. The work piece is being fed against the rotation of the cutter for greater rigidity but while parting thin material such as sheet metal climbing is used. Saw milling cutters are used
SPLINE MILLING Splines are often used to transmit power from a shaft to a hub or from a hub to a shaft. Splines are, in effect, a series of parallel keys formed integrally with the shaft, mating with corresponding grooves in the hub or fitting. They are made with the help of this process. Spline milling cutters are used
SPUR GEAR CUTTING Gear teeth are cut on the milling machine using formed milling cutters called involute gear cutters. Involute gear cutter is used in this process
KEYWAY MILLING It is the process of cutting keyways of different shapes along the axis of the cylindrical surface of shafts, into which keys are fitted to provide a positive method of locating and driving members on the shafts. A keyway is also machined in the mounted member to receive the key.
HELICAL MILLING Helical parts most commonly cut on the milling machine include helical gears, spiral flute milling cutters, twist drills, and helical cam grooves. Milling helical parts requires the use of special formed milling cutters and double-angle milling cutters. Cutter used is helix mill cutter
Side Milling Side milling is the operation of production of a flat vertical surface on the side of a work piece by using the side milling cutter. Side milling cutters are used in this operation
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