GCSE Graphic Products Health and Safety, Tools and Equipment Summer Examination 2011
Using tools and Equipment Safely Safety Issues Workshops and studios contain lots of tools and equipment that can cause harm if not used correctly. So it is important to adhere to the appropriate safety precautions. (things that can be done in advance to help protect against possible dangers or accidents) PPE: Personal Protective Equipment may need to be worn when undertaking certain activities. We all have a responsibility to manage our working environments, so we should always tidy up after ourselves, as well as tidying away, it is important to store things correctly to avoid causing harm for someone else. Risk Assessments: Working out what the hazards may be in a particular situation, and deciding what you are going to do about them.
Tools and Equipment Tool/EquipmentWhat is it used for?Safety Advice ScissorsCutting paper, thin card, and thin plastic sheets. Ensure the blades are strong enough, keep fingers away from blades. Scalpel/Craft KnifeCutting or scoring paper, card, thin plastic sheets, thin board. Use a safety ruler, keep the blade against the edge of the ruler, cut away from yourself. Cutting MatsTo give a suitable cutting surface when using various types of craft knife. Make sure the mat is on a flat surface. Rotary CutterCutting paper, card, thin plastic sheet, thin board. Use a safety ruler, keep the blade against the edge of the ruler, cut away from yourself. Compass cutterCutting circles in paper, thin card, thin plastic sheets, or thin board. Use this on a cutting mat, on a flat surface. Safety ruleTo make straight line cuts with a craft knife. Hold the rule down firmly with one hand, making sure fingers are away from the knife edge.
Tools and Equipment Tool/EquipmentWhat is it used for?Safety Advice Reciprocating Saw, or Fret saw Cutting plastic sheets, thick board, and wood, easy to cut intricate shapes Ensure your earing eye protection. Check guards are all positioned correctly, and that you keep fingers away from the blade. Coping SawCutting plastic sheets, thick board, and wood, easy to cut intricate shapes Ensure the material is firmly held and keep fingers away from the blades. Hot wire cutterCutting rigid foam.Make sure that that is used in a well ventilated area and that you use a mask to not inhale fumes. Laser CuttersCutting most materials, with a laser gives outstanding accuracy and finish. Follow safety advice printed on machine, works with an extractor. Vinyl CutterAccurate cutting of card and sticky vinyl. Keep fingers away from the blades.
Risks and Hazards Risk (Hazard)Reducing the risk Bags and Equipment on the floorMake sure these are put out of the way. Clear areas of obstructions. Using a craft knifeMake sure the blade is sharp and use the correct safety rule with a cutting mat on a flat surface. Eye strain on a computerMake sure you take a break from the computer every 20 minutes. Dust from a sanding machineEnsure that dust extraction is on a dust guards are positioned correctly. Loose clothing whilst using machineryWear the correct PPE and roll sleeves up. Using spray adhesiveUse in a well ventilated area or in a spray booth. Using a glue gunEnsure you do not touch the nozzle, and that you rest the glue gun on a stand when not in use. Using portable electric toolsEnsure that all cables are out of the way of people moving about. Carrying tools around the roomCarry tools in a safe manner, and all retractable blades are fully retracted.
Safety and the Law Who is Responsible? HSE: The health and Safety Executive are a government body responsible for ensuring work places comply with the health and safety at work laws. BSI symbols help to tell us that the products we buy are safe. Different signs and logos are used to communicate safety to us in a range of ways. Warning signs: these tell us about possible dangers, such as electricity. Do Not Signs: Tells people about something they should not do, such as do no smoke. Must Do Signs: Informs us about something that must be done, such as turn off mobile phones. Safety signs: A sign that informs us how to be safe, or how to locate safety equipment such as first aid boxes.
Packaging Symbols Symbols are used a lot on packaging to convey information about safe storage, dangers to avoid, and how best to store an object. MeaningNotes Keep out of the rain and do not store in damp conditions Normally found on card packages that would be damaged if placed in contact with water. Store package the right way up Arrows point towards the top of the package Centre of gravityOnly normally used where the center of gravity is not central Keep away from heatKeep package under the coolest possible conditions, and away from heat or sunlight Clamp as indicatedImplies the package should not be clamped anywhere else