Dewey in Authority Records Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s Experience Iman Khairy April 27, 2010
Outline Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s Name and Subject Authority File (BIBALEX) DDC/BIBALEX mapping guidelines DDC and Cutter in authority records Conversion tables Recommendations and conclusions 2Dewey in Authority Records
Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s Name and Subject Authority File (BIBALEX) 3 The BA follows MARC 21’s “Model B” of Appendix C for multilingual/multi- script authority records. The 7xx tags in authority records are used for linking subject headings in Arabic, English and French. “BIBALEX” is listed in Marc21 codes for sources as a source for name, term and title. Dewey in Authority Records
Subject Headings The subject headings lists used at the BA are: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Subject Heading (BASH) Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) Rameau Dewey in Authority Records4
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Subject Headings (BASH) 5 An adapted translation of selected parts of (LCSH), with expansions in subject areas related to Arabic and Islamic topics. An extensive revision of “Qa’imat ru’us al- mawdu‘at al-‘Arabiyah al-qiyasiyah lil- maktabat wa-marakiz al-malumat wa-qawaid al-Bayanat” by Dr. Sha‘ban Khalifah. Continuously updated through Arabic subject headings proposals. Dewey in Authority Records
Subject Authority Record (BIBALEX) Dewey in Authority Records6
Mapping BASH to LCSH and Rameau Dewey in Authority Records7
Subject Proposals (Arabic) 8 Arabic subject heading proposals are authorized through consulting other Arabic subject headings lists, thesauri, reference tools or literary warrants as appropriate. Dewey in Authority Records
Arabic Subject Headings proposals (Samples) Arabic Subject Headings proposals (Samples) BASHLCSHRameau التجارة الالكترونية Electronic commerceCommerce électronique علم النفس المعرفى Cognitive psychologyPsychologie Cognitive تكنولوجيا المعلومات Information technologyTechnologie de l'information المنظمات غير الحكومية Non-governmental organizations Organisations non gouvernementales التخطيط الاستراتيجى Strategic planningPlanification stratégique اطفال الشوارع Street childrenEnfants de la rue المهارات الاجتماعية Social skillsCompétences sociales العولمة Globalization Mondialisation العنف لدى الاطفال Violence in ChildrenViolence chez l'enfant التفكيكية DeconstructionDéconstruction البنيوية StructuralismStructuralisme التوحد Autism Autisme التوحد عند الاطفال Autism in childrenAutisme infantile
Arabic Subject Proposal Dewey in Authority Records10
Subject Proposals (English) English subject headings proposals are added to LCSH after submitting it through the Middle East Librarian's Association (MELA) to the Arabic Project of the Library of Congress Subject Authority Cooperative Program (LC/SACO). Dewey in Authority Records11
SACO Proposal Dewey in Authority Records12
Guidelines for Inclusion of DDC in BIBALEX 13 If one or more DDC numbers correspond precisely with the idea represented by an Arabic subject heading, the number or numbers are put in 083 fields in the subject authority record, with qualifying terms if appropriate. Dewey in Authority Records
Guidelines for Inclusion of DDC in BIBALEX (Cont’d) The term in the caption, relative index or in “Including” note must be identical or nearly identical in scope, meaning to the Arabic subject heading. Dewey in Authority Records14
DDC in a topical subject authority record DDC in a topical subject authority record 15
Guidelines for Inclusion of DDC in Name authority records 16 The numbers for history and numbers from table two are the numbers assigned to the Arabic geographic name authority record. Dewey numbers are added to personal names authority records for Arabic literary authors and classical Muslim scholars. Dewey in Authority Records
DDC in geographic name authority record Dewey in Authority Records17
DDC in literary author authority record 18
Guidelines for Inclusion of DDC in literature and other topical headings 19 Built Dewey numbers are added to Arabic literature subject headings only. The general or interdisciplinary number and the table number if appropriate are the numbers assigned to topical headings. Dewey in Authority Records
DDC in literature subject authority record 20
DDC in literature subject authority record 21
DDC in main heading (interdisciplinary number) 22
Guidelines for Inclusion of DDC in literature and other topical headings (Cont’d) Dewey numbers representing a specific aspect of the main heading are not added to the main heading authority record. Dewey numbers representing a specific aspect are added only if they precisely match an authority record containing the main heading with subdivision. Dewey in Authority Records23
DDC in main heading + subdivision 24
DDC and Cutter in BIBALEX 25 Koran Sura and groups of Suras To ensure logical shelf arrangement of Koran topics through adding a designated Cutter after the class number for texts or topics of individual Sura or groups of Suras. Dewey in Authority Records
DDC and Cutter in BIBALEX (Cont’d) Islamic scholars A designated Cutter will be added to some famous Islamic scholars belonging to different specializations, then another Cutter from an add table will be assigned by the cataloger. To ensure logical shelf arrangement and bringing together on the shelf the original works by this scholar followed by commentaries on his works. Dewey in Authority Records26
Conversion tables A project under going for preparing conversion table for Islamic topics in LCC and DDC (BP to 297) and Islamic law (KBP to 297 or 340), including mapping their equivalent BASH, LCSH, and Rameau. 27 Dewey in Authority Records
Conversion Tables (samples) BASHLCSH DDC (Original) DDC (Optional) DDC (Expansion) LCCS أبناء النبي - بنات النبي - أهل بيت الرسول Muhammad, \c Prophet, \d d. 632 \x Family BP76.8 أحكام التصوير Photography (Islamic law) KBP A7 أحكام الذبح والذبائح Slaughtering and slaughter-houses (Islamic law) KBP184.6 أحكام الصيدGame laws (Islamic law) KBP3336 أحكام الغناءSinging (Islamic law) KBP3171 أحكام المرتدينApostasy (Islamic law) KBP4172 إباضية Ibadites BP BP157 * Red color indicates proposals 28
Mapping BASH, LCSH and Rameau BASHLCSHRameau الفقه الإسلامي Islamic LawDroit islamique الإجهاض ( فقه إسلامي ) ِ Abortion (Islamic law)Avortement (droit islamique) الغائب و المفقود ( فقه إسلامي ) ِ Absence and presumption of death (Islamic law) إساءة إستخدام الحق ( فقه إسلامي )Abuse of rights (Islamic law)Abus de droit (droit islamique) الإشتراك في الجريمة ( فقه إسلامي )Accomplices (Islamic law)Coauteurs (droit islamique) إكتساب الملكية ( فقه إسلامي )Acquisition of property (Islamic law) الدعاوي والدفوع ( فقه إسلامي )Actions and defenses (Islamic law) Actions et défenses (droit islamique) العادات ( فقه إسلامي )Adat law أحكام الجوار ( فقه إسلامي )Adjoining landowners (Islamic law)Voisinage (droit islamique) الاجتهاد الإداري ( فقه إسلامي )Administrative discretion (Islamic law) Pouvoir discrétionnaire (droit islamique) القانون الإداري ( فقه إسلامي )Administrative law (Islamic law) Droit administratif (droit islamique) الزنا ( فقه إسلامي )Adultery (Islamic law)Adultère (droit islamique)
Recommendations Developing a mutually-accepted standard for exchanging subject authority records and classification data. Exchange of expertise between members of the EDUG and libraries in the Arab world Developing a methodology for making DDC classification proposals Dewey in Authority Records30
Conclusion “No perfect system, no one size fits for all, updating and expansion are ways of life.” - Sohair F. Wastawy, Chief Librarian, Bibliotheca Alexandrina “It is with cooperation that we are able to achieve so much in our field, to the benefit of all.” - Paul Edwin Frank, Cooperative Cataloging Specialist, Library of Congress 31 Dewey in Authority Records
Reference Mitchell, Joan S. “Dewey Numbers in Authority Files”. Discussion Paper Presented at Meeting 126 of the Dewey Classification Editorial Policy Committee (EPC), Washington October 11-13, epc_ dochttp:// epc_ doc [accessed ] 32Dewey in Authority Records
Questions? 33Dewey in Authority Records
Thank you 34Dewey in Authority Records