United States Coast Guard Academy
What is it Smallest of the 5 Academies 973 cadets Highly Selective only 1 in 8 accepted No tuition, books, fees etc. You are issued a laptop computer You receive monthly pay No congressional nomination required 80% of grads go to paid grad school Five year commitment to the Coast Guard after Graduation means a guaranteed job using your skills.
What Can I Major In? Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Government Management Marine and Environmental Sciences Mechanical Engineering Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Operations Research and Computer Analysis (Applied Mathematics)
What is the Mission Big Mission Small Service We are dedicated solely to protecting America’s Homeland and citizens. We are Life Savers rather than Warriors
What are the Jobs in the Coast Guard? Aviation Engineering Afloat Operations Marine Environmental Safety Law Enforcement Homeland Security Finance Intergovernmental Operations Personnel and Training Port Operations and Waterways Management Intelligence Communications
What Makes us Unique All jobs are open to women! We don’t train to do our job sometime in the future! We do are job everyday!!
Where is it Located New London, Ct. Close to Boston & New York City
What is the Student Body Like? 973 enrolled 43 states and 15 foreign countries 100% housed on Campus 23 Varsity Teams (3 Division I) 27% are women first academy to admit women Average Class size 19 students Large portion of the Faculty are Coast Guard Officers
What about Test Scores Median Sat –635 Math –605 Verbal –1240 Combined Median ACT –28 Math –27 English
What About Class Rank 32% in top 5 % 49% in top 10% 83% in top 25% 79% earned a varsity letter 50% were team captains 29% were in band or orchestra
What does the Campus Look Like?
What About Summer Internships?
Internships First Summer cruise on Tall Ship Eagle & an active Duty Cutter Second Summer various leadership assignments Third Summer assigned as a junior officer on a Coast Guard Cutter
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