Recombinant DNA Isolation / Digestion / Fractionation Purification of the target fragment Cloning into vectors / Ligation Transformation of host cell / Selection Replication / Analysis Expression of DNA
Recombination Specifically cut and join DNA Cut: digestion Join: ligation First steps for cloning Recombinant DNA
Non Specific DNA breakage Mechanical shearing Chemical Non-specific enzyme Exonuclease Endonuclease
Restriction Endonuclease Mg 2+, ATP and SAM as cofactors Specific recognition site on dsDNA Move along 1-5 kb Cut randomly on 1 strand Require 2nd enzyme to cut another strand Type I
Restriction Endonuclease Intermediate properties between types I and II Mg 2+ and ATP as cofactors Specific recognition site Cut both strands bp from a recognition site Type III
Restriction Endonuclease Mg 2+ Specific recognition site Specific cleavage site within or near recognition site Cut both strands Fragments with defined length & sequence Type II
Nomenclature 3 Letters (italic) host genus in upper case host species in lower case strain or type (non italic) restriction or modification system (Roman numeral)
EcoRI - from Escherichia coli BamHI - from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens HindIII - from Haemophilus influenzae PstI - from Providencia stuartii Sau3AI - from Staphylococcus aureus AvaI - from Anabaena variabilis Nomenclature
Target Site of REII 4-8 bases Frequency of the cut 4-base cutter 8-base cutter Rotational symmetry palindrome
Palindrome Target Site of REII
Restriction Enzyme Break phosphodiester bond Produce 5’P and 3’OH ends Enzyme: homodimer 1 subunit cut 1 strand away from the axis: overhang / sticky / protruding at the axis: blunt end
5’ P and 3’ OH ends
5’ sticky end
3’ sticky end
blunt end
Source microorganism Enzyme Rec. Site Ends Arthrobacter luteus Alu I AG CTBlunt Bacillus amyloiquefaciens H Bam HI G GATCCSticky Escherichia coli Eco RI G AATTCSticky Haemophilus gallinarum Hga I GACGC(N) 5 Sticky Haemophilus infulenzae Hind III A AGCTTSticky Providencia stuartii 164 Pst I CTGCA GSticky Nocardia otitiscaviaruns Not I GC GGCCGCSticky Staphylococcus aureus 3A Sau 3A GATCSticky Serratia marcesans Sma I CCC GGGBlunt Thermus aquaticus Taq I T CGASticky
Restriction Enzyme Sequence-specific tails DNA with compatible ends: join Different sources Different enzymes
Restriction Enzyme Different enzymes : Different recognition sites Produce compatible ends: Get rDNA Sau3AI5’ NNN”GATCNNN 3’ BamHI5’ NNNG”GATCCNNN 3’
Restriction Enzyme Methylation Modification of recognition site Effect on cutting BamHI*GGATC m5 C *GG m6 ATCC **GGATC m4 C **GGAT m5 CC
Restriction Enzyme Isoschizomer Different host same recognition site same or different cleavage site
Restriction Enzyme Isoschizomer XhoI / PaeR7I 5’ NNNC”TCGAGNNN 3’ SmaI5’ NNNCCC”GGGNNN 3’ XmaI5’ NNNC”CCGGGNNN 3’
Restriction Enzyme Isoschizomer: methylation sensitivity HpaI ( X ) and MspI ( / ) C m5 CGG SmaI ( X ) and XmaI ( / ) CC m5 CGGG
Restriction Enzyme Basic tool for creating rDNA Restriction Map Applications
Restriction Map Locations of recognition sites on DNA Highly specific fragments Digestion with 6-8 base cutter Size fractionation on gel Different patterns from different enzymes Single and Double digests
Restriction Map
Ligation E. coli ligase NAD+ as cofactor Sticky ends To ligate by Ligase T4-infected E. coli ligase ATP as cofactor Blunt or sticky ends
Ligation Seal nicks on dsDNA Form phosphodiester bond Require 5’ P and 3’ OH
Ligation Intramolecular ligation (re)circularization
Ligation For recombinant DNA increase DNA concentration increase temperature (Ti) dephosphorylation
Other Enzymes DNA polymerase RNA / DNA dependent DNA polymerase
Other Enzymes E. coli DNA polymerase DNA dependent DNA polymerase 5’-->3’ polymerase 5’-->3’ exonuclease 3’-->5’ exonuclease
E. coli DNA Polymerase
DNA polymerase: Klenow fragment 5’-->3’ polymerase no 5’-->3’ exonuclease 3’-->5’ exonuclease Active on ds DNA Klenow Fragment
T4 polymerase DNA polymerase: T4 polymerase 5’-->3’ polymerase no 5’-->3’ exonuclease 3’-->5’ exonuclease Active on ss DNA
Taq polymerase DNA polymerase: Taq polymerase thermostable C PCR reaction
Reverse transcriptase RNA dependent DNA polymerase
Exonuclease III
Vector Cloning vehicle Carry / Multiply specific DNA fragments Cloning site multiple cloning region / polylinker Origin of replication (ori) Selectable marker
Plasmid vector Bacterial minichromosome (2-20 kb) not linked to main chromosome Autonomous replication (replicon) Mostly ds circular form Some with linear form (actinomycete / spirochete) Take up 100 bp – 10 kb
Plasmid vector Carry antibiotic-resistance genes providing selectable phenotype to host Other selectable markers sugar fermentation heavy metal resistance hydrogen sulfide production enterotoxin production
Plasmid vector Insertional inactivation when MCR in selectable-marker gene High copy number plasmid replicate copies per bacterial cycle Low copy number plasmid one or a few copies
Plasmid vector Ideal properties Low molecular weight easy to handle, separate & purify High copy number Unique restriction sites Disabled: no survival outside lab
Plasmid vector
Plasmid cloning
Bacteriophage vector Bacterial virus: forming plaque Linear or Circular shape Cohesive ends (cos, short ss 5’ protruding) Lytic / Lysogenic cycle
Phage cycle
Bacteriophage vector Central section of phage DNA For integration into host chromosome Not necessary for replication Replaced by foreign insert Left and Right arms: easily isolated Essential for replication and packaging
Bacteriophage vector
Require certain size for maturation and packaging Engineered to be safe and have MCR Available for big DNA insert
Phage packaging
Phage cloning
Plaque lift / Hybridization
Cosmid Plasmid / Phage hybrid plasmid: ori and selectable marker phage: cos site for packaging For large insert (32-47 kb)
Cosmid cloning
Yeast Artificial Chromosome Big inserts: hundreds of kb Cloning elements Yeast sequences Selectable markers MCR
Yeast Artificial Chromosome
YAC cloning
Expression vector Available for screening of gene product of cDNA insert MCR within transcription regions between promoter and terminator Bidirectional cloning for correct orientation Foreign or Fusion proteins