Pre-Trip Inspection Main passenger door Rear door Door release devices Emergency exit windows Window release devices Roof escape hatch Seat belt cutter Evacuation drag cloth Fire Extinguisher Warning devices On-board signage
Stay Calm Quickly compose yourself Pause for a moment Take a deep breath Take control
Visually assess the situation quickly: Fire/smoke condition Passenger condition Number of passengers using wheelchairs Availability of help Vehicle condition Available exits Do Not fight fires, your responsibility is evacuation of passengers and yourself.
Lead and Participate in Evacuation Don’t do anything that will cause you injury Instruct passengers to release seat belts Cut seat belts that won’t release Assist ambulatory passengers first Have the most able passengers assist others Assist non-ambulatory passengers Passengers in wheelchairs should be evacuated without the chair.
Verify all passengers have been evacuated to a safe location and distance from vehicle Contact dispatch/supervisor Place warning devices, if available Provide continued support to evacuated passengers Cooperate with emergency personnel when they arrive at the scene