Hand Built Cups Beginning Ceramics Burris
Assemble your Materials and Tools Clay Wire Cutter Magazines Paper Towels Needle Tool or Cutting Tool (a pencil will work) Rolling Pin or Similar Item (empty pop can)
Use magazines and wire cutter to cut slabs
Cover Rolling Pin With Paper Towel and Roll Slab Around It
Get some slip from the recycle room (on a paper towel)
Use a needle tool to slip and score the edge of the slab together
Use the clay covered cylinder as a template and cut out the bottom section of the cup. Slip and score to attach.
Adhere firmly and use a tool to smooth up the sides.
Now that you have a cup, you can begin your sculptural additions.
Attach a handle by slipping and scoring. Be sure the handle is sculptural and relates to the design of the cup.
Place in the Cage and wait for your cup to be fired. Make sure your name is neatly carved into the bottom of each cup. You may fill out a grading sheet either before bisque firing or after, as long as both hand built cups are finished being sculpted.
After the cup is fired….. (see power point on how to glaze.) Glaze and return to cage to be fired a second time. When both cups are complete be sure to retrieve your grading sheet and add a glazing grade to your final score. Turn in your grade sheet and cups to the teacher before taking your work home.