Grid Marketing Sorting out the numbers Cattle-Fax Mike Miller Bill Chandler
A Balancing Act
Grid Marketing General Overview Grids: How they work Cattle Markets Trends in grid marketing Helpful Tools
What is the industry target? Quality Grade Yield Grade Carcass Characteristics Weight
The Target Yield Grade 1 Yield Grade 2 Yield Grade 3 Yield Grade 4 Yield Grade 5 Prime $16.20 $13.70 $12.20 $(4.80) $(9.20) CAB$11.20 $8.70 $7.20 $(7.80) $(12.80) Choice $7.20 $4.70 $3.20 $(11.80) $(16.20) Select $0.80 $(3.30) $(4.80) $(19.80) $(24.20) Standard $(11.00) $(13.50) $(15.00) $(30.00) $(35.00) 550 Carcass Weight Range 950 *Ch/Sel Spread $8.00 *60% Choice Grade
How Grids Work Premiums Prime Upper 2/3 Choice (i.e. CAB) Choice YG 1 YG 2
How Grids Work Discounts Select Standard YG 4 YG 5 B-Maturity Dark Cutter Weight (either light or heavy)
How grids work Other Factors Freight Base price determination Quality grade base Weight limits
What is your target? Quality Grade Red Meat Yield Natural Seek out a program that fits your cattle
Grid Marketing Basics Grid marketing does not guarantee a premium Discounts can be substantial It transfers risk from the packer to the owner of the cattle Grids change constantly
How do you maximize returns? Understand your cattle Be honest Understand the market Just because your marketing on a grid or formula does not detach you from the cattle market Understand the program Premiums versus discounts
Cattle Do you have some history on the cattle? Performance in the feedlot Carcass characteristics Be conservative when you estimate future performance
Importance of performance Don’t overlook feedlot performance Pen 1 Pen 2 ADG3.0-10%3.3 Conv %6.6 Cost of gain$.50+10%$ lbs. 500 lbs.$250$275 $25 per head
Market Fundamentals Seasonal supply and demand Choice/Select spread Timing of marketings
Steer and Heifer Slaughter 5-year average 2003
Weekly Average Beef Production yr avg.
Choice/Select Spread
Ch/Sel Spread Seasonality 5-year average spread
Seasonality of Fed Cattle Prices
Choosing the right program What fits your cattle? Change the grid to the cattle not the cattle to the grid Quality grade versus yield grade Where will the cattle be fed? How much does it cost?
Choosing the right program Analyze the premium/discount structure Fixed grade base vs. plant averages How is the Choice/Select spread determined Base price determination
Trends in Value Discovery Gathering more information Fine tuning management Impact on genetic selection
Value Discovery Changing PAR yg1yg2yg3yg4yg5 Premiums Discounts Additional Premiums for: -Prime -CAB or Similar Specs -Choice 1980’s 1990’s 2000
Pricing Method: Pricing on Value of Beef and the By-Products Produced Message: “Some Cattle are Better than Others” Result: Produce More of the Better Cattle Grid Marketing
Pulling Product Through Sharing Information Beef Industry Structure: The Way it is Evolving Seed Stock Cow/Calf StockerFeedlot Packer Processor Retailer Food service Consumer
Percentage of fed cattle movement from: Formula, contract, alliances and packer fed cattle
Percent of cattle graded Choice
Cattle Yield Grades Yield grade 1 & 2 Yield grade 3 & 4
Cattle Carcass Weights
Trends Larger premiums but larger discounts as well Different base prices More coordinated programs More cattle marketed on grids and formulas