Kansas State University Dr. Jared A. Hoyle www.KSUTurf.com Fall Lawn Care Easy as 1, 2, 3… Kansas State University Dr. Jared A. Hoyle www.KSUTurf.com
I have a cool-season grass…and I WANT A NEW LAWN! Your in luck!! Fall is the perfect time of year for renovation and new installs!
Renovation If your goal is to improve an existing lawn or fill bare spots… Then overseeding if the best choice instead of starting over
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! Mow down the lawn short (1-1.5 inches)
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! 2. Power rake or core aerator Seeder-slicer can also be used
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! 3. Seed selection - http://www.hfrr.ksu.edu/doc1853.ashx
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! 3. Seed selection - http://www.hfrr.ksu.edu/doc1853.ashx “other crop” Good or Bad Ex. 0.5% other, end up planting 12 to 16 seeds per square foot!!! (<0.01% good seed)
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! 3. Seed selection - http://www.hfrr.ksu.edu/doc1853.ashx “weed seed” Mainly concerned with annual bluegrass and orchard grass *no selective control in home lawns*
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! 4. Sowing Broadcast spreader Drop spreader Apply in two directions *make sure you overlap*
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! 5. Seeding Rate Kentucky bluegrass (2-3 lbs per 1,000 square ft) Tall fescue (3 lbs per 1,000 square ft) Must have good seed-soil contact Use a verti-cutter to cut grooves into ground. Use a garden rake for small spots.
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! Fertility Soil test Apply (broadcast spreader) starter fertilizer right after you are done seeding, before you start watering Lawn-starter fertilizer according to label if no soil test was conducted 0.5 lbs N per 1,000 square ft
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! Irrigation Thoroughly soak seedbed to a depth of sever inches Gentle watering so seed doesn’t wash Keep seed bed moist w/ frequent light watering After germination keep moist As roots develop and grow deeper water less frequent but soak more thoroughly until normal watering schedule is established.
Overseeding: A step-by-step approach! Small areas If only few areas need to be reseeded, prepare with hand rake. Sow Spread thin layer of soil or work in with rake. Soil to seed contact
Steps for Overseeding/Renovation Watch the overseeding video on Healthy Yards Website. Key concepts. Seed to soil contact. Apply starter fertilizer right after you are done seeding, before you start watering. Irrigate deeply at first, then light and frequent. Irrigate a little bit, every day. Keep surface damp. Mow as soon as grass gets to recommended height. Can’t apply weed controls until after 3 mowings.