Participants will understand how to: Determine what incidents to report in EVVRS Complete the VV-SA* / SSD** forms Locate additional resources for guidance throughout the school year 2 *Violence, Vandalism, and Substance Abuse **Suspensions of Students with Disabilities
Stacey verbally taunted and harassed Rebecca with derogatory comments while they were eating lunch in the cafeteria. Then, Stacey forcefully pushed Rebecca’s chair over backwards and Rebecca fell to the ground. Rebecca got up and hit Stacey. Stacey hit her back. The girls wrestled and punched each other until separated by a lunch aide. Fight: Mutual engagement in a physical confrontation that may result in bodily injury to either party. Does not include a verbal confrontation or a minor confrontation, such as a shoving match. Assault: A person attempts to cause – or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly causes – bodily injury to another. Gang-related: confirmation from a law enforcement official, the victim, or the offender, that the incident was gang related. 6
8 *USCO: Unsafe School Choice Option
Lucy left her birthstone ring on the ledge in the girl’s locker room while she went to the restroom. When she returned the ring was gone. Theft: The taking of the school district’s or a person’s belongings or property without consent. Report only incidents where the value of the article taken is $10 or more. One needs to consider age and developmentally appropriate behavior before using this category. Robbery: Obtaining money or any material thing (regardless of value) from another by means of violence or the threat of immediate violence. Extortion: Attempting to obtain or obtaining money or any material thing (regardless of value) from another by means of a stated or implied threat of future violence, or threats to make false charges against someone or to blackmail someone. 10
Principal initiates investigation. Anti-Bullying Specialist conducts the investigation. If affirmed as HIB by the BOE (found to be HIB), enter incident in both HIB-ITP and EVVRS If not affirmed as HIB, only count the investigation in HIB-ITP, and do not enter as an HIB incident Incidents reported in EVVRS must match number of affirmed incidents reported to HIB-ITP* system 11 *Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – Investigations, Trainings, and Programs
Incidents occurring off-school grounds are also reported (only for HIB) HIB incidents in July and August are not reported to EVVRS but ARE locally investigated, documented, and reported to the BOE Update EVVRS records if original report is amended, or wait to enter HIB incidents until after BOE decision is rendered. HIB cases may qualify as other EVVRS incident types. 12
Jason, a high school student, was found to have a box cutter in his pocket. He claimed he needed the box cutter for his job at a local grocery store – a claim that was confirmed upon investigation. Jason has no history of violent behavior, and there is no indication that he will be violent in the future. Weapons include any instrument readily capable of lethal use or of inflicting bodily injury. Possession: Having on one’s person, in one’s locker or vehicle one or more of the types of the following: handgun, rifle, air gun, pellet gun, bb gun, imitation firearm, bomb- exploded, bomb-unexploded, knife, blade, razor, scissors, box cutter, pin, sharp pen/pencil, chain, club, brass knuckles, spray Used in Offense: Using a weapon in the commission of an offense reported in another incident category, such as assault, criminal threat, extortion, damage to property. Sale/Distribution: Selling, giving, or having a weapon in one’s possession, with the intent to distribute or sell. 14
Handgun, rifle, or bomb is “firearm” U.S. definition and NJ definition Gun Free Schools Act (GFSA) Student removed from school for one year Student with disability: follow IDEA Air, pellet, bb gun are firearms according to N.J., not to U.S. Not part of GFSA Toy gun v. imitation gun Bomb threat/fake NOT weapon or firearm under vandalism 15
Alcohol Marijuana Amphetamines Designer/Synthetic drugs Cocaine/crack Hallucinogens Narcotics Depressants Anabolic steroids Unauthorized prescription drugs Unauthorized over the counter drugs Inhalants Drug Paraphernalia 16
Use, possession, or sale/distribution Suspicion ≠ EVVRS incident Follow Administrative Code and Statute and arrange for immediate medical examination ( NJSA 18A:40A-12 and NJAC 6A: (a)2ii ) If student refuses evaluation, treat as “use,” note refusal in memo field, select suspected substance type Enter incident in EVVRS if suspected use is confirmed 17
Must report suspensions of students with disabilities to federal government If incident meets EVVRS definition criteria: Use VV-SA form All other reasons leading to suspension: use Report of Suspension of Students with Disabilities form 19
21 School GroundsNot School Grounds (HIB may be reported) BusBus Stop Playground when students are under school supervision during or after school hours Playground after school hours, when students NOT under school supervision
Train staff for VV-SA reporting: Know EVVRS definitions Use descriptive language Be factual Avoid subjective language 22
A. “I left my class and saw Joe and Sam in the hallway. Joe shoved Sam into a locker; Sam struck his head against the locker loudly.” B. “Joe maliciously attacked Sam, slamming him into locker” C. “Joe assaulted Sam” D. “Two students were messing around in hallway before class” 23