The current school year must be longer! Sally Sophomore
A longer year for all! This is your introductory slide. It’s the same as an introductory paragraph. You may start with a question (NOT answered by yes or no). You may also start with a story or anecdote. You must lead the audience to your thesis!
Research shows students benefit! Students have more fun working in class. (Source name) Students would be better prepared for their futures. (Source name) Teachers will see their students more often. (Source name)
Some critics disagree with my argument. Boredom would increase in class, making students less interested. (Source) Not true! Better grades = more interest! Students would want to drop out of school more often. (Source) On the contrary, students will want to be in school even more! Student whining and complaining increase with a longer day. (source) Students will actually be happier and want to cheer! (source)
In conclusion Restate and summarize each main point! The last point on this slide must be a call to action! Tell the audience what you want them to DO to support your cause!