The PUNCHLINE To provide an introduction to the history and heritage of the First World War. Technology Living conditions Stresses of warfare
The Western Front Sam McKinven
DISCUSSION GROUPS: 1.Identify examples of development in technology that occurred during military conflict. (This can include the Cold War of the 1960s and 1970s.) 2.Discuss what problems would motorcycle des- patch riders experience without the assistance of maps and modern navigational aids? 3.List the differences between soldiers fighting under gun fire and despatch riders riding motor-cycles under gunfire. 4.Discuss your views of the role of women in com-bat. Should they be allowed to fight on the front line or take up roles away from danger?
Write a letter home: Members of the Women’s Royal Naval Service; Foot soldier; Motorcycle Despatch Rider.
The PUNCHLINE To provide an introduction to the history and heritage of the First World War. Technology Living conditions Stresses of warfare