Alexander ascended to the throne of Macedon in 336 BC at the age of 20 after Philip’s murder. During the initial change Alexander had a tricky period to overcome as his position was far from secure though. He set about putting his house in order by ……
1. Punishes his fathers assassins. Three Lyncestian brothers were implicated. Brother 1= executed. Brother 2= executed. Brother 3 = pardoned after he greeted Alexander with the words: “Hail King of Macedonia”
2. Carried out a state funeral Alexander carried out a full state funeral for his father with due pomp and ceremony.
3. Assassinated those who threatened his right to the throne. His cousin Amyntas was married to one of Philip’s daughters and could have become the focus of any plots to usurp Alexander’s position. He was killed.
4. Disposed of Cleopatra’s male relatives Cleopatra was Philip’s young wife. Her uncle Attalus may have been in treasonable correspondence with Demosthenes (Athens). While Attalus was in Asia Minor with the army Alexander sent a close friend to either kill, or return with Attalus. The friend killed Attalus.
5. Disposed of Cleopatra Olympias (apparently) forced the young Cleopatra to kill herself and her baby (by holding it over a fire). Alexander had nothing to do with this brutal act.
6. The Macedonian Nobility Initally the nobles were anxious about Alexander. Alexander promised to follow the principles of hs father’s adminstration. He also decleared all Macedonian people exempt from taxation.
7. The League of Corinth His position at the head of the League of Corinth was made secure. BUT… rebellion had sprung up amongst the Greek states and the northern tribes!
5 STEPS TO BEING ALEXANDER 1. Punish your fathers assassins. 2. Carried out a lavish funeral for your father. 3. Kill/assassinate/murder anyone who threatens you: male relatives (young and old) female relatives 4. Keep the Macedonian nobility and the Macedonian masses happy. 5. Beat up your neighbours as quick as possible.