By: Brooke Kelly APES
What was the Kyshtym Disaster? ● Kyshtym Disaster was a radiation contamintation incident. ● This was a level 6 disaster on the “International Nuclear Event Scale”. ● Third most serious nuclear accident ever recorded
Where and When? ● Accord in the town of Ozyorsk, near Mayak plant ● September 29 th, 1957 ● Nuclear Fuel Reproducing Plant in Russia
Why did the explosion accure? ● The cooling system in one of the tanks that was containing 80 tons of liquid radioactive waste that failed and was not repaired, the temperature increased causing evaportation. ● A chemical explosion was the result of the increased temperature.
The Effect of the Explosion ● It released 20 Mci of radioactivity, contributing to the pollution of the Techa River. ● A radioactive cloud was formed, moving towards the north east. ●
The Effect of the Explosion ● The contamination created a long term effect on the area within ,000 square km. ● The current area is referred to as “East-Ural Radioactive Trace”.
Evacuations ● Directly after the disaster 22 villages were exposed to the radiation ● 10,000 were evacuated ● Many were immediately evacuated ●
Aftermath ● The reasoning for the evacuation was not stated to the public ● 6,000 deaths occured because of the disaster ● 200 deaths because of cancer
Aftermath ● 10 days later the goverment decided to plow 515 acres of radioacitivy land, so they could restart their agirculture use.
Currently Today ● In Ozyorsk, the radiation level is safe for the public again but the “East-Ural Radioactive Trace” is still contaminated.
Sources ● kyshtym-mayak-nuclear-waste.html ● saster&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Ggf4 UvqYOdOksQSL8IDoBw&ve