Project To Speed Safety/Damage Assessments Thru Interoperable Mobile Field Inspection Technology Final Report on Outcome & Recommendations from Pilot & Golden Guardian Demonstrations Robert Wible, Project Director, “The L.A.Basin Project” December 19, 2008, CA OES, Mather, CA
The Problem I n the aftermath of a disaster what can be done to speed: - Conducting of safety/damage Inspections? - Getting inspection results Into central database to understand magnitude? - Completion & submission of ATC forms to get victims & Federal disaster assistance funds?
Lessons from Katrina: Mobile inspection technology can significantly speed conducting & compiling safety/damage assessments & immediately enter results onto forms to speed claims / recovery - 120,000 homes in 6 weeks!
The Question: Can we build on Katrina Lesson in California but radically speed up process by expanding number of inspectors available & enabling them to bring and use their own diverse hardware /software forming an interoperable regional, and then a state-wide network?
Origin & Purpose of Project Briefings, spring 2006 State of CA OHS, City of L.A. & L.A. Basin Chapter of ICC by Robert Wible in wake of experience with Katrina & PNWER “Blue Cascades III Exercise” Design project to ascertain feasibility & conduct proof of concept demonstrations that diverse hardware & software can be linked & used to create regional/statewide network of inspectors to rapidly conduct, transmit to central database safety/damage assessments in aftermath of major disaster
“The L.A. Basin Project” In CA OHS support, CA OES grant from U.S. DHS to: Work in L.A. Basin to “Demonstrate Regional Interoperability of Mobile Safety/Damage Assessment & Inspection Technologies to prove the concept that CA & local governments can build first a regional and then a national network of safety/damage assessment inspectors to speed disaster reporting & recovery”
Project Participants Project Team: Robert Wible, RW Associates, Paul Watkins, Chair ITIA Committee, Neville Pereira – Chair L.A. Basin Chapter ICC Admin. Committee (Glendale) & David Schnitger, Vice Chair (Los Angeles), Alliance I.T. Industry Advisory Committee C A OES Project Oversight: Michael Sabbaghian & Jim Barnes Initiated May, 2008
“L. A Basin Project” Scope of Work Proposed Four Phases – U.S. DHS Grant funded Phase I & Phase II ($125,000) Phase I - Design & conduct feasibility study – include survey all L.A. Basin jurisdictions regarding mobile technology Phase II – Design conduct Pilot Demonstration & design, conduct Expanded Demonstration during Golden Guardian - Report lessons & recommendations towards building a Regional (Phase III) & Statewide (Phase IV) Networks
Phase I - Feasibility Study May – June, 2008: - Design & conduct survey of 84 jurisdictions in L.A. Basin region - Identify jurisdictions with appropriate technology (84 / 13) - Research/report feasibility of interoperability of linking that diverse hardware/software - Identify 4 to participate in Pilot demonstration
Phase II – Demonstrations & Report Lessons & Recommendations for Networks Pilot Demonstration: - Design methodology to use / link diverse hardware & software & get it to compile data & send to central point INTERNET or VPN JURI DATA STAGED and INSPECTION DATA IVR and MOBILE DEVICES with PROPAGATED DATA PAPER-BASED FORMS FEMA FORMS
Phase II - Pilot Demonstration August 27, 2008: Jurisdictions of: Gardena, Glendale, San Dimas & Santa Clarita 8 different devices 3 different software systems & all: pulled down addresses, conducted inspections, uploaded to central data point & downloaded inspection results onto ATC – 20 forms
Pilot Lessons & Recommendations Interoperability worked Uniform Address issue Need redundancy Expand Demo during Golden Guardian but put under stress Need & interest for developing network & expand outreach to interest other states in developing similar networks
Phase II – Expanded Demonstration During Golden Guardian Revised Methodology - Expand number of jurisdictions but also: - Test under realistic disaster conditions - “Grab and go” - Use more IVR - Use paper inspection forms – scan to upload - Central data point in GG SOC Sacramento - Mockup actual building – LAUSD Middle School #3 S. Shatto Place, L.A.
November 14 – Golden Guardian Expanded Demonstration Seven Jurisdictions Participated: Gardena, Glendale, San Dimas, Santa Clarita, Monrovia, City of L.A. & Riverside Co. - Eight diverse hardware/software systems - Three smartphones & IVR inspections- all from marked up Middle School # 3 - Tested under both simulated (GG) & actual disaster conditions (fires)
Lessons Learned Simulated & actual damage conditions were successful test of technologies Paper-based & IVR inspections strengthen future system Inspection of mocked up school beneficial Need to simplify all aspects of technology
Recommendations from Golden Guardian Demo to CA OES / OHS Regional Network can be readily built using mobile technology, IVR & paper Keep system simple Conduct more mock-ups in future exercises Work on issue of address uniformity Work on interoperability standard to go into future procurements of IT Build Regional & then Statewide Network Share outcome from Phase II with other states
Recommendations to Others: To CA Local Jurisdictions - Test mobile technology in future drills - Train more staff in safety/damage assessments - Working with state to build network To Vendors - Work with state on interoperability standard & network To U.S. DHS - Assist CA building network in Phase III & IV - Consider national uniform address system
The Question – Can CA Build Interoperable Network of Safety/Damage Assessment Inspections & Speed Process ? A resounding YES, and soon and open to all jurisdictions whether they have mobile inspection technology or use paper-based inspections Phase III – S. California Regional Network by end 2009 Phase IV – Statewide Network 2011
Questions ? Contact: Project Director Robert Wible at: or Project Technical Coordinator Paul Watkins at: