History 104 The Peloponnesian War Athens’ Defeat
The aftermath 413 –
Oligarchy in Athens Oligarchic coup at Athens –Stasis in Athens - spurred by the controversy over Alcibiades and the mutilation of the Herms –Stasis is aggravated by the defeat
Problems with oligarchy Sept The 400 are deposed Sept hoplites force the formation of the council of 5000 June democracy is restored
Athens in decline 407 – Athenian defeat at Notium 406 – Athenian victory at Arginusae
The Defeat of Athens Athens rejects another status quo peace offer 405 – Aegospotami
Anticipation The state trireme reports the defeat Sparta after the battle What will happen to Athens?
The terms of defeat Athens joins the Peloponnesian League What it loses What it doesn’t
Aftermath in Athens Sparta installs “the Thirty” – Reign of terror
The End of the Thirty Tyrants Theramenes is removed from the Thirty Exile army at Phyle defeats tyrants in Jan. 403 Sparta restores the exiles
The Peloponnesian War Specialization in civic duties Mercenaries Economic disruption Integrity of the polis is weakened