Small Business in the Aftermath of the Great Recession Growth, Business startups/endings, and employment
What’s the difference between big business and small business?
What’s a Small Business? It depends on who you ask SBA: company with fewer than 500 employees BLS: 250 or fewer employees Affordable Care Act: 50 or less
Economic Growth: Small Business vs. Big Business
Business Activity: Small vs. Large
Business Startups and Endings
Startups and Endings (Florida)
Employment: Small ( 250) Small (+)Small (-)Big (+)Big (-) Q
Changes in Employment: Recession vs. Recovery by Firm Size recessionrecoverynet Small (<50)-3.8m+2.2m-1.6m Mid (50-250)-1.6m+1.7m+0.1m Large (250+)-4.3m+3.6m-0.7m
Self-Employed by Age Self-employed aged 25 and younger declined by 19% between 2005 and 2010 Self-employed aged 65 and older rose by 24% Number of self-employed down by 1 million or 10% since the start of the recession (9.4m now compared to 10.4m prior to recession)
Role of Lending