September 8 th, 2014 Miriam Aschkenasy MD, MPH Deputy Director of Global Disaster Response, MGH Center for Global Health Global Disaster Response in the.


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Presentation transcript:

September 8 th, 2014 Miriam Aschkenasy MD, MPH Deputy Director of Global Disaster Response, MGH Center for Global Health Global Disaster Response in the Philippines: A case study

Overview  What is a disaster?  What does the humanitarian sector look like?  Current standards and frameworks  Case Study in the Philippines

Overview  Frameworks and Standards  Civil and Military Engagement  UN Coordination  Professionalization

What is a disaster? An event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life.

It’s about the most vulnerable  42 million displaced people worldwide  80% of displaced populations are women and children  Mortality rates of displaced are 6-60 times those pre-displacement

What does the humanitarian sector look like? MULTIDISCIPLINARY PARTNERS STANDARDS COMMUNITY

What does the humanitarian sector look like?  UN  INGO’s  NGO  Central Government  Regional and local Government  ICRC/IFRC  Military  Academic institutions  Community based organizations  Religious groups  Spontaneous volunteers  Beneficiaries  Donors  Other countries

International Standards and Best Practices

UN Coordination UN OCHA United Nations Office For the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Health specific  58 th world health assembly enacted international health regulations*  IASC – inter agency standing committee humanitarian reforms in 2005, 2011  WHO becomes health sector cluster lead  WHO supports member states in preparedness and relief  Developing performance standards and providing technical expertise

Frameworks and Standards

Civil – Military Engagement  What works?  What doesn’t work?

Professionalization …

Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)  Category 5 “Super Storm”  November 8, 2013  Peak intensity with ten-minute sustained winds of 145 mph  Killed at least 6,201 people in the Philippines  The strongest storm EVER recorded at landfall and unofficially the strongest typhoon ever recorded in terms of wind speed.

92 million total population of the Philippines (as of 2010) 50 million total population of the nine regions hit by Typhoon Haiyan 11.3 million people affected in these nine regions (as of 12 November) 673,000 displaced (as of 12 November) Sources: Republic of the Philippines National Statistics Office; National Statistical Coordination Body (NSCB); Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

Typhoon Aftermath 17

Unique aspects of this response

UN Coordination CENTRAL COMMAND -Regional government with support from UN -Clusters -INGO’s/NGO -Military

Frameworks and Standards FMT REGISTRATION Arriving at the airport 20

Civil-Military Engagement Local government would not allow teams to travel without military or police escort Acted as translators, crowd control, & facilitated transfers to hard to reach areas

Professionalization Clinical guidelines Surveillance Data reporting Monitoring stock Appropriate medications

Thank you!