Almuñecar International School 2012 PRIMARY Inspiring children to be the best they can be
Our Children at AIS – Our curriculum Use the British National Curriculum Follow the EYFS curriculum & those for KS1 & KS2 Follow the revised strategies for Literacy and Numeracy all are adapted to better meet the needs of the children by by making the best use of the local and international context
The Creative Curriculum Each theme is planned using a Unit from the Revised Literacy Strategy as the starting point. Speaking & Listening, reading, writing (including grammar, phonics, spelling & handwriting)are taught together. The teachers then ensure that the essential skills, knowledge and understanding for each curriculum area are built in to the planned theme. Curriculum areas: Information teacnology, Science, Numeracy, History, Drama, PE, Music, Art, D&T, Geography and PSHE.
Mathematics is foremost an activity of the mind, and written calculations are an aid to that mental activity. The Numeracy Strategy aims to develop children’s mental strategies and then written methods that derive from and support mental methods. Numeracy
The overarching principles of the EYFS Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning. Children learn to be strong and resilient through positive relationships. Children learn and develop well in enabling environments which establish their needs and develop their interests. Children learn and develop at different rates.
The areas of learning and development within the EYFS There are seven areas of development. Three Prime are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning Personal social and emotional development Physical Development Communication and language Four Specific Literacy Mathematics Understanding the worldExpressive arts and design
Foundation Stage Profile Class teacher collects evidence of their achievement towards each of the areas of development. Parents updated each term on their child’s progress in the evaluation booklet. Parents given regular opportunities to view evidence of their child´s progress. Parents receive an interim report - November, end of year report -Summer detailing their child’s progress and next steps. Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants observe the children and document their achievements.
Evaluation and Grades Assessment is an integral part of effective teaching – it must move teaching & learning forward Day to day Observations, Talking with children, Correcting work, Discussing work and targets. Periodically (Each term) Levelling of work compared to the criteria Teachers exchange and discuss work samples to ensure uniformity of approach Check-ups Summary of assessments discussed with Head of Primary
APP - ASSESSING PUPIL PROGRESS In APP, teacher assessment judgements draw on the full context of pupils' work, whereas a test can only sample. Making judgements about pupil progress Observations and pieces of work Discussion with other staff Next step – could be way of teaching to suit style of Learning? Feeding observations back into planning
Evaluation and Grades Due to English being the second language for many children, it is expected that many will take more time to reach the expected levels. This is nothing to worry about. We would expect children to reach the age related level by Years 4-6 if learning in their own language is proceeding well. GO FOR GREEN!! GREEN FOR GO!!