Inquiry Learning "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand." (Chinese proverb
What is inquiry learning? Inquiry learning is about students taking more responsibility for their own learning and gaining the necessary skills and attitudes that enable them to continue the quest for knowledge throughout their life. It is the investigation into an idea, question, problem or issue. It involves gathering information, building knowledge, developing deep understanding, thinking creatively about possibilities, making decisions and justifying conclusions. Embedded within this platform are numerous process and thinking skills that make this type of learning a rich and meaningful experience for students. Students gain an understanding of their own learning style and processes by reflecting on their own thinking
Why use an inquiry approach. "Memorising facts and information is not the most important skill in today's world. Facts change, and information is readily available. What’s needed is an understanding of how to find, make sense of, and use relevant information for specific purposes." (Living Heritage 2007 )
We want our students to be engaged in authentic and interesting learning experiences. We want them to create knowledge and understanding for themselves We want them to think !
Teach Learning to Learn Skills Goal Setting Organisation and Time Management Tracking and asking for assistance Self and Peer evaluation Research Skills Questioning Skills Using Contents page and index Key Words Using Websites Searching the Internet Skimming and Scanning Note taking Using thinking maps Citing References
Student Learning Experiences Stage 2 Wonderings Questions Deciding Stage 3 Planning Research Experimenting Finding Stage 4 Discovering Interpreting Using Information Stage 5 Creating Presenting Stage 6 Celebrate Evaluate Stage 1 Setting the Scene Immersion Ignition
Students learn to use a variety of tools to help their thinking
What about the subjects???? Numeracy, Literacy, Science,Social Sciences, Health and PE, Technology, Languages still continue to be taught. Fundamental skills are still emphasised in the curriculum. The inquiry approach is a way to make learning more meaningful and relevant to students.
What can I do to help my child? Encourage your child to ask questions. Share ideas, information and wonderings. Let your child know that you don’t know everything and sometimes need to research yourself. Attend the Parent afternoon/ evening on 25th May run by Mark Treadwell for the X Roads Cluster parents.