Gear Up Mathematics Conversations B. Blumberg N. Leveille F. Solomon April 29, 2006
Gear Up Mathmatics2 Don’t Be a Statistic Nationally, remedial mathematics courses are needed by 20% of first- time-in-college (FTIC) students Locally (UHD & HCC), about 60% FTICs place into developmental mathematics courses Reading Math Writing
Gear Up Mathmatics3 Don’t Be a Statistic UHD developmental courses –Beginning algebra (429/907*=47%) –Intermediate algebra (524/907=58%) College Algebra or equivalent –Required for all degrees –Prerequisite for college level mathematics and science *FTIC cohort
Gear Up Mathmatics4 Don’t Be a Statistic Math 0300 Beginning Algebra 249/429 (58%) passed first time (70+) 42/429 (10%) passed with one repeat 19/429 (4%) passed with two repeats 10/429 (2%) passed with three repeats 109/429 (25%) did not pass
Gear Up Mathmatics5 Don’t Be a Statistic Placement scores determine the first course at college Placement tests contain many of the same problems and objectives as Algebra I and Algebra II (60%) Most problems contain basic arithmetic Many of these are application problems
Gear Up Mathmatics6 Don’t Be a Statistic Students do not understand the consequences of not preparing for placement tests UHD students will soon need SAT scores Open admissions institutions do not set a minimum standard, but may use the scores for placement
Gear Up Mathmatics7 Arithmetic Mastery All students need to know their arithmetic facts (+,-,X,/) to be successful in life as well as future classes Shopping Voting Accuracy Fluency in numeracy Quantitative reasoning
Gear Up Mathmatics8 Arithmetic Mastery All students need to be able to calculate with facility to maximize their future potential Tools to think with Confidence to explore Mathematics knowledge correlates with economic success
Gear Up Mathmatics9 Arithmetic Mastery An example of formative evaluation for integer addition: Zero Out Open the door to calculations beyond naturals Have fun in mathematics class Make positive changes in student beliefs, attitudes, and emotions about school mathematics
Gear Up Mathmatics10 Arithmetic Mastery Figure 1. Introducing Zero Out
Gear Up Mathmatics11 Arithmetic Mastery Figure 2. Playing the Face-up Version of Zero Out
Gear Up Mathmatics12 Arithmetic Mastery Figure 3. A Playable Hand
Gear Up Mathmatics13 Math Survival Skills Buy the textbook and other required materials Attend all class sessions Read the syllabus; know what is on it Be aware of all exam dates Keep up with your professor – do not fall behind the professor’s schedule
Gear Up Mathmatics14 Math Survival Skills Know your professor’s name and office location Use your professor’s office hours to ask questions Do all the homework required for the course Utilize the study-buddy system in every class If you miss class, make up the work
Gear Up Mathmatics15 Math Survival Skills Use all free tutoring and labs available Review all errors on quizzes and exams and make corrections Keep all work in an organized binder Use all work to study for the Final Attend any Final Exam Review sessions
Gear Up Mathmatics16 Contacts Bonnie Blumberg Nancy Leveille Frankie Solomon
Gear Up Mathmatics17