Jasper-Studio N.Y.C., 1955. Robert Rauschenberg, Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953.


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Presentation transcript:

Jasper-Studio N.Y.C., 1955

Robert Rauschenberg, Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953

Robert Rauschenberg, Untitled (Red Painting), ca Oil, fabric, and newspaper on canvas, with wood, 79 x 33 1/8 inches.

Rauschenberg, Bed, 1955

Jim Dine, Bed Spring, 1960

Jim Dine, Pearls, 1961

Rauschenberg, Canyon, 1959

Rauschenberg, Monogram, 1959

Jasper Johns, Flag, 1955

Jasper Johns, White Flag, 1955

Johns, Three Flags, 1958

Johns, Map, 1963

Johns, Green Target, 1955

Johns, Target with Plaster Casts, 1955

Johns, Painting with Two Balls, 1960

Johns, The Critic Smiles and The Critic Sees

Summer Critic, 1966, Prints

Oldenburg in The Store, 107 E. 2nd St., NYC, 1961

Allan Kaprow. Yard. View of tires in court of Martha Jackson Gallery, New York [Lette Eisenhauer Ascending Ladder in The Courtyard, a Happening by Allan Kaprow, New York City], 1962

I Like America and America Likes Me, Joseph Beuys

Gutai Group 1955

Oldenburg, Soft Pay- Telephone, Vinyl filled with kapok, mounted on painted wood panel, 46 1/2 x 19 x 9 inches

This is Tomorrow cat robot

Richard Hamilton, Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing? 1956

Richard Hamilton, Just what is it? 1956

Warhol, Self Portrait, 1964 And Lichtenstein as Warhol 1965

Warhol, 100 Campbells Soup Cans Bottles of Coca-Cola 1962

AW Dick Tracy ; AW Superman

Warhol, Gold Marilyn, 1962

Warhol Marilyn and Liz 1962

AW S&H Stamps 62; AW Dollars 62

AW boxes 62

AW DIY Landscape 62; AW DIY Flowers 62

AW Dance Diagram 62 and installation 62

Warhol, Thirteen Most Wanted Men, 1964 Silkscreen on canvas, 25 panels on the NY State Pavilion 1964

Warhol, White Burning Car III, 1963

AW 129 Die 62

AW Five Deaths; AW Orange Car Crash

Warhol, Disaster, 1963

Warhol, White Burning Car III, 1963

Warhol, Jackie The Week That Was 1963

Warhol, Marilyn, 1963

Section of Tunafish Disaster Silkscreen ink on synthetic polymer paint on canvas 1963

Warhol, Lavender Chair and Big Electric Chair 1967

Lichtenstein, Look Mickey, 1961

Lichtenstein, Okay Hot Shot 1963

Lichtenstein, Drowning Girl, 1964

Lichtenstein, 1964

Lichtenstein, In the Car, 1963


Lichtenstein, Image Duplicator 1963

Lichtenstein, Masterpiece 1962

Lichtenstein, Little Big Painting, 1965

Lichenstein, Brushstroke, 1965

AW boxes 62

AW SoupCans grid 62; AW Ferus 62

AW DIY Landscape 62; AW DIY Flowers 62

AW Supermarket 62

Flags I, 1973 Prints (screenprint on paper)

Jasper Johns, North American; American Flashlight, 1960 Sculpture (bronze, glass)

Rauschenberg, Skyway, 1964