3/31/ Office/Department|| Transfer Orientation Welcome to Missouri State University Office of Admissions | Carrington Hall 204 | (800) | (417) |
Why am I doing this orientation? To understand your transfer equivalency worksheet To find an advisor To understand the registration process To become knowledgeable about services, activities and organizations on campus Office of Admissions | Carrington Hall 204 | (800) | (417) |
One stop shop - account balances | class schedule | degree audit grades | payroll information | registration status transfer equivalency worksheet | unofficial transcript university news | register for classes | pay university bill my.missouristate.edu is the web address of the portal through which you may check the following items: Office of Admissions | Carrington Hall 204 | (800) | (417) |
Evaluating your transfer credit Transfer equivalency worksheet Course by course evaluation Direct equivalency – MTH135 Elective credit – HST000 GEP code – GEP 005 Non-Transferable – GEN007 Course re-evaluation Office of Admissions | Carrington Hall 204 | (800) | (417) |
If you have completed a degree in the U.S. An AA completes the general education requirements The 42 Hour Block also completes the general education requirements. Your evaluation should indicate your degree or completion of the 42 hour transfer block. If it does not, then you must contact the Office of Admissions Office of Admissions | Carrington Hall 204 | (800) | (417) |
Your grade point average (GPA) U.S. Transfer GPA + Missouri State GPA = Combined GPA Combined GPA determines Academic status Eligibility for admission to degree programs Graduation honors Raise your GPA by repeating courses Consult with your advisor or catalog Office of Admissions | Carrington Hall 204 | (800) | (417) |
Find an academic advisor List of transfer advisors is online at You receive advisement from your department of major If your major is listed incorrectly or has changed, contact the Office of Admissions If you are an “undeclared” major, contact the Academic Advisement CenterAcademic Advisement Center Plan to meet with an advisor in person You are required to receive an electronic release from your advisor before registering for classes Office of Admissions | Carrington Hall 204 | (800) | (417) |
How and when to register for classes Check registration status on the “Academics” tab of my.missouristate.edu Admitted to the University Complete the online orientation Look for any holds that may keep you from registering Check your registration date and time Meet with academic advisor to receive an electronic release Register via the web or on campus Office of the Registrar | Carrington Hall 320 | (417) |
What does it cost to attend? To find out the cost of tuition, fees, housing, books, etc. go to Is financial aid available? Contact Office of Student Financial Aid in Carrington Hall 101 or go online to Scholarships, grants, loans and work study Financial Aid | Carrington Hall 101| (417) |
Payment options? My Payment Plan Automatic enrollment Three installments required throughout the duration of the semester My Payment Plan calendar Fall payments: August 25, September 25, October 25 Spring payments: January 25, February 25, March 25 Summer payments: June 25, July 25 Where do I pay? Your bill will be sent to your Missouri State account Pay online or at the Bursars Office, Carrington Hall, first floor Office of Financial Services | Carrington Hall 133 | (417) |
How do I get my student I.D. (BearPass Card) ? Get your student ID at the BearPass Card Office Office located in Plaster Student Union, first floor Allows access to library and athletic events Used when visiting or entering residence halls May be used as a debit card on campus Obtain on your first visit after being admitted Zip Card Office | Plaster Student Union 128 | (417) |
Is campus housing available? National award winning residence halls offer a wide variety of accommodations and living environments Single students under 21 years of age with less than 30 hours of transferable credit are required to live in university housing Review information you receive and direct questions to the Office of Residence Life and Services Off campus housing options may be found at Office of Residence Life and Services | Hammons Hall 104 | (417) |
How do I park on campus? Visiting campus Obtain a visitor parking pass or use metered parking to park in the visitor parking lot, located on the corner of National and Monroe St. Permits available Online at Office of Safety and Transportation, Located at 700 E. Elm You are required to purchase a parking permit Office of Parking Administration | 700 E. Elm | (417) |
Is the campus safe? Office of Safety & Transportation Located at the north edge of campus 24 hour 7 days a week security officers On-campus Springfield Police Sub-Station Campus Wide Alert System Escort service Emergency phones on campus Shuttle service Dept. of Safety & Transportation | 636 E. Elm | (417) |
Where do I buy books & supplies? University Bookstore Buy new and used books Reserve books online with ready-to-go pickup BearWear - MSU branded clothing Computer Connection Located in Bookstore and the PSU Bookstore | Carrington Hall 101 | (417) |
How do I get involved? Office of Student Engagement Plaster Student Union, first floor Over 300 student organizations SAC (Student Activities Council) SGA (Student Government Association) Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts Headline shows and performers JQH Arena Home of the Bears and Lady Bears Headline shows and performers Division I Athletics Free admission to most sporting events Office of Student Engagement | Plaster Student Union | (417) |
Campus Link Campus Link is an online community for MSU students to: Learn about student organizations to join Get info about upcoming events on campus Track involvement to build a co-curricular transcript Campus Recreation | Plaster Student Union 131 | (417) |
How do I stay active? New, state-of-the-art recreation center Campus Recreation | Plaster Student Union 131 | (417) | Campus Recreation Intramural Sports Fitness Classes Outdoor Adventures Recreational Workshops (Arts/Crafts) Game Center
What services are offered at Meyer Library? Computer labs Wi-fi access Study rooms Government documents Computer assistance Library orientation Meyer Library | Carrington Hall 101 | (417) |
Bear CLAW (Center for Learning and Writing) First floor of Meyer Library Math Tutoring Writing Center Tutoring for various subjects by appointment Workshops to improve student success Meyer Library | Carrington Hall 101 | (417) |
Taylor Health & Wellness Center National Accredited Health Care Facility Full Service Pharmacy Laboratory Women’s Health Services Student Health Insurance More information at Taylor Health & Wellness Center | (417) |
Tobacco Free Policy Missouri State University strives to ensure a healthy learning and working environment by promoting a culture of health and wellness. In August of 2012, MSU will be completely tobacco free. To learn more about the policy, designated smoking areas and programs to help you become tobacco free, go to
The Career Center Career options (appointments, assessments for exploring majors, current information on careers) Career self-assessments Constructing a resume Mock job interviews Updated career information Internships Job search assistance Career Center | Carrington Hall 309 | (417) |
Multicultural Student Services Recruit and retain diverse population Educate campus community Multicultural education programs Multicultural Student Services | Carrington Hall 302 | (417) |
Disability Resource Center Located in Plaster Student Union Providing equal access and opportunity Services to students with disabilities Learning Diagnostic Clinic Assessment of learning and psychological disabilities for a fee Disability Resource Center | Plaster Student Union 405 | (417) |
Adult Student Services Serves non-traditional students, non-degree seeking students, and students age 22+ One-on-one advisement and placement testing Provides registration for classes Orientation Programs Scholarships Honor Society Evening & weekend appointments Adult Student Services | Carrington Hall 314 | (417) |
Counseling and Testing Center Online Screening Consultation/Crisis, Individual, Group & Couple Counseling Standardized testing opportunities CLEP, GRE, MAT, and PRAXIS Counseling and Testing Center | Carrington Hall 311 | (417)
Dean of Students Attorney services: 8:00 a.m. Wednesdays by appointment Communicates emergency messages to students Office of Student Conduct University policies Dean of Students | Plaster Student Union 405 | (417) |
Where can I eat on campus? Meal plans and fees Meal plan for commuters Blair-Shannon, Kentwood and Garst Dining Centers BearFare option PSU food court and Boomer’s For more information visit Dining Services | Plaster Student Union 213 | (417)
How do I find a job? Office of Student Employment Located in Blair-Shannon Residence Hall Apply online at Volunteer opportunities Office of Student Employment | Blair-Shannon 113 | (417) |