Aum Sri Sai Ram Current status of construction of plant houses in Odisha
Location of Plant sites
VillagePandrapathar DistrictNuapada Block Komna Population (appx) 2000 Current Drinking Water Source Tube Well (Mark-II) Whether the place is served by the Organisation samithi on a regular basis No Is there any devotee resident in this village Yes How far is this village from the nearest Samithi/BM 5 km Fluoride content 7.39 ppm TDS 595 ppm Proposal De-fluoridation plant for the whole villagers (RO technology) Size of the Plant 12’ (W) x 14’ (L) x 10’ (H) (approximate ) Cost of Maintenance per month (appx.) Rs. 6000/- per month
VillageDhumabhata DistrictNuapada Block Komna Population (appx) 1500 Current Drinking Water Source Tube Well Whether the place is served by the Organisation samithi on a regular basis No Is there any devotee resident in this village Yes How far is this village from the nearest Samithi/BM 5 km Fluoride content 3.82 ppm TDS 684 ppm Proposal De-fluoridation plant for the whole villagers (RO technology) Size of the Plant 12’ (W) x 14’ (L) x 10’ (H) (approximate ) Cost of Maintenance per month (appx.) Rs. 6000/- per month
VillageSanbichilibahali DistrictBalangir Block Patanagarh Population (appx) 361 Current Drinking Water Source Tube Well Whether the place is served by the Organisation samithi on a regular basis Yes Is there any devotee resident in this village Yes How far is this village from the nearest Samithi 6 km Fluoride content 1.61 – 3.8 ppm TDS ppm Proposal De-fluoridation plant for the whole villagers(RO technology) Size of the Plant 12’ (W) x 14’ (L) x 10’ (H) (approximate ) Cost of Maintenance per month (appx.) Rs. 3000/- per month
Dhumabhata Sanbichilibahali Pandrapathar
VILLAGE: PANDARPATHAR IN ODISHA In this village the panchayat has given us an old unfinished building near a bore well water source. This building is unfinished for some reason has the of size 21ft-2 in x12ft-6 in-inside dimensions but finished to a level of 6 feet high only-It has 14 inch thick brick wall with no roof. Although the size is little more than what we need, we have decided to utilize this building by finishing the construction. The cost of completion has been worked out to be Rs 1, 15,000 as per the current market costs. We even thought a 12x10 feet new building—but it costs will be about Rs 1.40 lakhs which is higher---therefore we dropped this idea. Work involved in completion of the existing structure: 1. Rise the brick wall to another 3.5 feet high all around with 14 in bricks 2. Lay a 4.5 in thick RCC concrete roof over the walls 3. Plaster both inside and outside the brick surface 4. Lay concrete 3 in thick and plaster inside and outside 5. Lay tiling on the floor and about 3 feet all around the wall surface. 6. Lay the machine foundation-tank foundation and paint the inside and outside with standard colors. 7. Write the title on the top outside ---fix lights-doors and window etc 8. Consruct a water filling area trough outside-This to be tiled appropriately as per our standard norms. (Follow the same drawing as in Sanchibhibhal village. 9. Construct a machine foundation.
1. Pandrapathar Plan view
So far done 1. Construction upto Lintel Level To be done 1.Brick masonary above Lintel ______ 15 days 2.Roof slab _______________________ 1 month 3.Inside & Outside plastering_________ 15 days 4.Tiles onfloor_____________________ 15 days 5.Electrification____________________ 7 days 6.Pipe connection__________________ 3 days To be ready within one & half a month Pandrapathar
VILLAGE: DHUMBHATA-NAUPADA DISTRICT-ODISHA This village Panchyat has given us a old school building for setting up the water purification system. We will use a portion of this building for our facility. The building requires some repairs in the form of plastering the walls inside. Requires plastering outside-under the roof sealing and on the top of the room as well The room size is 17ft x 11-6 in x 9 feet. We intend to renovate and make it to suit our plant configuration. As we are not sure of the structural strength—we will keep the raw water feed tank of 5000 liters capacity outside in the open space on a 3 ft high pedestal. The repairs and renovation cost of this building is estimated for Rs As in other cases, we will have the output tank of 3000 lit capacity inside the building We will be constructing the machine base foundation as well. All other internal needs are common as in other villages and as shown in our drawings - enclosed. It is important that we need to chip of the existing plastered area and then re do the plaster work---where ever t is needed. For tank foundations use stone masonry to reduce cost.
Dhumabhata - Plan
So far done To be done Plastering is in progress 1.Construction of Roof beams – (2 nos) ______ 7 days 2.Pillar with wall _________________________ 15 days 3.Tiles on floor___________________________ 15 days 4.Electrification__________________________ 3 days 5.Pipe connection________________________ 3 days To be ready within one month Dhumabhata
WORKS TO BE TAKEN UP IMMEDIATELY 1. Utilize the existing building by certain changes in the interior of the building to suit our configuration as described here. 2. Remove the existing internal partition walls in order to make this as single room of size 11ft-6 in X 9ft-3 in. 3. Construct a machine base foundation as explained in the sketch. 4. Construct 12inches high and 50 inches diameter pedestal foundation base for a 1000 liter output tank inside the building as shown in the sketch. 5. Construct a simple foundation 6 inches high and 60 inches diameter on top of the building in a manner that it sits on two wall surfaces as shown and explained at site to the mason. This will accommodate a 2000 lit feed water tank. 6. Fix one door and frame and construct 9 inches brick wall on east and west side open portion to a height up to the building. 7. Undertake all sundry plaster and pot whole filling where required. 8. Cement plasters the newly built wall area inside and outside. 9. Construct a filling area outside the building on the western side or as convenient to the village folks-The size of the trough to be 4.5 ft X 5 ft with a 8 inches brick wall on three sides as shown in the sketch. To be tiled. 10. Paint the outside of the building as follows: a) With light blue strip of 12 in high all-round at the bottom b) With light pink color on the rest of the area of the building c) On top 12 in of the building we will write the name logo on the east and west side in local Odiya language as follows: Sanbichilibahali
Sanbichilibahali - Plan
So far done To be done Dismantling 1.M/C foundation work__________ 7 days 2.Water Tank foundation(inside)___ 7 days 3.Tiles on floor___________________________ 15 days 4.Electrification__________________________ 3 days 5.Pipe connection________________________ 3 days To be ready within 20 days Sanbichilibahali
Offered at HIS Lotus Feet with the prayer to give us strength to translate into action