REVIEWING YOUR JOURNEY WITH GOD Where are you in your journey with Him? Where are you going?
Now it came to pass on the twentieth day of the second month, in the second year, that the cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle of the Testimony. 12 And the children of Israel set out from the Wilderness of Sinai on their journeys; then the cloud settled down in the Wilderness of Paran. Numbers 10:11-12 A NEW PLACE
THE WILDERNESS of PARAN – its modern name means wilderness of wanderings
1. PARAN- The place where Hagar and Ishmael were SENT Gen21:21 He dwelt in the wilderness of Paran and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt. EXILE TO HOPE
12 And the children of Israel set out from the Wilderness of Sinai on their journeys; then the cloud settled down in the Wilderness of Paran. Numbers 10:12 William West, The Israelites Passing through the Wilderness Preceded by the Pillar of Clouds, 1845 A NEW PLACE
3. And afterward the people moved from Hazeroth and camped in the Wilderness of Paran. Numbers 12:16 MIRIAM’S LEPROSY delayed the advance of the camp. WATCH YOUR WORDS
4. Numbers 13:3 So Moses sent them from the Wilderness of Paran according to the command of the L ORD, all of them men who were heads of the children of Israel. SPIES SENT OUT UNDERCOVER COMMISION
5. Numbers 12:26 Now they departed and came back to Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of Israel in the Wilderness of Paran, at Kadesh; they brought back word to them and to all the congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land. Taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him Ps 34:8 A GOOD REPORT? FAITH OR FEAR AND UNBELIEF?
6. TRANSITION Deut 1:1 These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel on this side of the Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain [a] opposite Suph, [b] between Paran, Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Dizahab. 2 It is eleven days’ journey from Horeb by way of Mount Seir to Kadesh Barnea.ab Suph means reeds. Tophel from taphel= quagmire, foolish things, unsavoury, untempered meaning to smear, plaster, slime, frivolity Laban=brick or white Hazeroth=yards, enclosure Dizahab=region of gold Seir= hair or alternative name for goat Kadesh Barnea= kadesh=sanctuary or holy; barnea=desert wandering TAKEN CAPTIVE BY IDOLATRY?
7. Deut 32:32 SINAI - MOUNTAIN OF THE SWORD And he said: “The L ORD came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came with ten thousands of saints; From His right hand Came a fiery law for them. Sinai denotes truth from Divine God
8. 1 Sam 25:1 After Samuel died David went to the Wilderness of Paran HIDDENNESS or FAILURE TO FULFILMENT/RESTORATION?
9 & Kings 11:18 They set out from Midian and came to Paran, and took men with them out of Paran and came to Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, who gave [young] Hadad a house and land and ordered provisions for him. Paran mentioned twice reference to HADAD Edomite prince who allied with Pharaoh KNOW YOUR ENEMY CUT UNGODLY TIES AND ALLIES
11. Hab 3:2-3 FREEDOM FROM CAPTIVITY A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet, on Shigionoth. 2 O L ORD, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O L ORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy. God came from Teman, The Holy One from Mount Paran. His glory covered the heavens, And the earth was full of His praise.
’ Come out and be separate and touch nothing unclean’ 2 Cor 6:17 It’s time for deliverance!
PRAYER AND MINISTRY A new place Exile to hope, beauty for ashes Watch your speech Break cycles of unbelief and fear Undercover commission Captivity from idols Revelation and Refining Failure to Fulfilment Cut Ungodly ties, know your enemy Be delivered and cleansed Arise and shine- a new identity, authority, anointing.