Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland The county and the County Council County of Jamtland - Quick figures 8 municipalities with Östersund as the county town 1.4 percent of Sweden’s inhabitants on 12 percent of the country’s surface 1,796 metres above sea level – the country’s highest peak: Helagsfjället square kilometres – inclusive the county’s biggest lake: Storsjön which is approximately square kilometres.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland The county and the County Council Our vision … The County Council of Jamtland is working to realise its vision of “good health and a positive living environment for everyone in the county of Jamtland.” … and basic values “In our daily meetings and conversation we shall have respect for everyone’s equal worth, have trust in each other and take a comprehensive view of ourselves and those we serve.”
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Mission Health care: “The County Council of Jamtland will provide an accessible and good health that satisfies the needs of citizens of a safe environment with good quality of life by having quality and effectiveness as a management strategy." Regional development: "The County Council of Jamtland shall, by interacting optimally with others and actively contribute to the resources available and may be obtained are used effectively to sustainable development of the region."
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland County Council Organisation
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Health and medical care Health Choice Jämtland As of 2010 there is a new nationwide health choice system in Sweden. The law reinforces your right as a citizen to choose a health care centre. It also stipulates that health care centres may be run by independent health care service providers under the management of local councils subject to fulfilling certain requirements. In our county, we call it Health Choice Jämtland (Hälsoval Jämtlands län). To be included in the health choice system each health care centre first must be approved by the county council. All approved health care centers have a special logotype.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Health and medical care Out-patient care in the county HEALTH CENTERS IN ÖSTERSUND
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Health and medical care Out-patient care in the county The majority of specialist care takes place at Östersund hospital – the only one in the county. Specialist care is organised in nine different areas: Emergency care Paediatrics-women Skin-infection-eye-ear Surgery Medicine Medical service Orthopaedics Psychiatry Rehabilitation, auxiliary aid centre, rheumatology
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Health and medical care Distances that decrease The county is vast: Over 500 km from north to south. To help cope with these great distances we have: The telephone number for the 1177 Healthcare advice around the clock. Ambulance helicopter makes two call-outs per day, about 700 missions per year. Digital X-ray at all county-run health centers engaged in radiology operations and in dentistry. The website where all health care centers offer interactive services
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Health and medical care Regional health care Highly specialised care, for example heart operations and transplants, is mostly carried out at Norrland’s University Hospital (NUS) in Umeå – our regional hospital. The Ambuss is a fully-equipped ambulance that has monitoring equipment and is equipped to provide pharmaceutical treatment. There is enough space for seven seated persons and four ambulance attendants. The Ambuss makes return trips from Östersund to Umeå, Sollefteå and Örnsköldsvik.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Health and medical care Dental services Public dental clinics for general and specialist dental care provide the county inhabitants with high-quality oral and dental care. There are four main areas of activity: Paediatric dental care Specialist dental care Home visits Adult dental care Treatments for children are free until the year they turn 19.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Health and medical care Dental services in the county
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Regional development The County Council has a leading role in the job of co-ordinating private and public resources to develop the region - their task is to contribute to a positive living environment for everyone in the county of Jämtland Education and development: The county of Jämtland’s institute for rural development (JiLU) Birka and Bäckedal adult education colleges Bildkonsten (art) Estrad Norr: - music, theater and musical theater Designcentrum Filmpool Jämtland Hemslöjdskonsulterna (Handicrafts consultants)
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Regional development Companies in the County Council Group The county council owns: 50 percent of Länstrafiken i Jämtland AB 100 percent of Landstingsbostäder AB 24.5 percent of the shares of Almi Företagspartner Mitt AB
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Regional development Number one – for the environment ’ s sake Jämtland County Council received its environmental certification in 2004, the first county council in Sweden to do so. In its activities the County Council shall strive to choose the right technological, financial and health- promoting solutions in order to show the greatest possible regard for the environment. The environmental management system is based on the ISO standard and EMAS EU regulation.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Ekonomi Economy The County Council of Jämtland annual sales of approximately SEK 3.5 billion per year. The money comes from: County council tax - 61 percent Government grants - 24 percent Activities revenues - 14 percent Financial income - 1 percent Source: County Council Annual Report 2009
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Organisation A democratic basis The County Council is a democratically managed organisation. This means that thecounty inhabitants choose which parties and politicians will control the County Council through political elections. The political organisation consists of: The 55 members of the County Council. Three committees that carry out long-term work with public health, living environment and culture, care and rehabilitation and democracy and county development The County Council Board, which is our “government”. subcommittees on the County Council Board that work especially with finance and staff policies. The political organisation also includes the County Council’s auditors and the patient board.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Organisation The County Council is divided into 16 areas of activity Three geographic areas for out-patient care Nine areas for specialist care Dental services, Culture, Education and Development and County Council Service.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Personnel Opportunities for part-time research and development County Council employees can apply for R&D support, either as project funding or in the form of time within their job. Utilisation of this support shall be connected time wise to ongoing County Council activities. Part-time employment is primarily for those in postgraduate studies.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Patient fees Patient fees Visits to health centres DaytimeSEK 150 On-callSEK 250 Home visit, daytimeSEK 200 Home visit, on-callSEK 250
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Patient fees Patient fees 2009 – visits to Östersund Hospital Planned visitsSEK 250 Emergency visit without referral SEK 300 Emergency visit with referralSEK 0 First visit after referralSEK 100 Other planned visitsSEK 200 Visit X-ray/labSEK 0
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Patient fees Patient fees 2009 – hospital care 0-19 years old - health care is free years old – SEK 80 per day 65 years or older – SEK 70 per day Early retirement pensioners, years old – SEK 40 throughout the period of care. If you visit the emergency department without a referral on the day you are admitted to hospital, you pay both for acute visits and for care at the hospital that day.
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland Patient fees Patient fees 2009 – other visits Vaccinations: (the patient fees below do not apply to flu vaccinations) Carried out by a doctor SEK vaccine cost Carried out by a nurse SEK vaccine cost Dental care for patients entitled to emergency dental care: General dentistdaytime SEK 140 on-call SEK 250 Specialist dentist daytime SEK 200 Dental hygienist SEK 60
Good health and wholesome environment for everyone in the County of Jämtland The County Council ’ s daily activities Examples from the County Council ’ s daily activities People in 130 different professions in the County Council work 9,500 hours per day. The hospital has about 794 out-patient visits per day. 370 patients are hospitalized each day portions of food are cooked in the hospital kitchen every day. Every day, about 6000 samples are analysed in clinical chemistry, biomedicin and transfusion medicine ). Each day 434 radiology examinations are performed within the specialized care and primary care 818 cultural events were produced during 2009 – an average of 2,2 performances per day. Every day square meters of the County Council's premises are being cleaned and 3600 cleaning mops are being washed. 58 cows produce 8000 glasses of milk per day. From the sheep is spun 8 kilometres of finely fibred wool yarn per hour. During the ski season, Åre’s health centre took care of skiing injuries and plastered 672 limbs. Zefyrens wellness center, which is addressed to the staff, has about 65 visitors per day. The county council uses 19 liters of hand disinfection per day.