Byzantine Empire Part II The Christian Church
Objective Compare and Contrast the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Explain why the Great Schism of 1054 happened.
Lets read to learn more about the Eastern Orthodox Church! Read pages in your History Alive textbook. Answer the questions in your notes packet.
What was the relationship between religion and government in the Byzantine Empire?
Religion and government were closely linked. The emperor was believed to be both the head of the government and the living representative of Jesus Christ.
How did the Eastern Orthodox Church play a central role in the daily life of Byzantines?
Most people attended church regularly and received sacraments at every stage of their lives. Monasteries and convents cared for the poor and sick.
Hagia Sophia (pg. 65)
*built during the reign of Justinian *Largest of Justinian’s 25 new churches *built in 5 years *Also known as the Church of Holy Wisdom *became a mosque when Constantinople fell to the Turks *Today is a museum *height – 180 feet *diameter – 107 feet *dome contains 40 stained glass windows at it’s circumference. *Mosaics – pictures made of pieces of colored glass or stone inlaid in plaster. These glittered in the daytime. *plain exterior symbolizes earthly life *ornate interior symbolizes heaven *size, thick pillars and open spaces show Roman influence *intricate and ornate design shows Eastern (Asian) influences
Icons A type of religious image or object. Let’s read more to learn about the role icons played in the church. (pg.65)
Icons – pictures of important Christians or events. They take the form of murals, wooden panels or mosaics. Catholic Church *Catholic is Latin for “Universal” *Masses conducted in Latin *Pope is the supreme religious leader *Clergy does not marry WEST Orthodox Church *Orthodox is Greek for “Correct Belief” *Masses conducted in Greek; Bible translated into various languages *Patriarch appointed by the Byzantine Emperor *Bishops don’t marry, but priests can EAST
Time to find out more! Why did the Schism of 1054 take place? Read pages in your History Alive textbook and answer the questions in your note packet.
Why did Byzantine emperor Leo III forbid the use of icons in 730? Leo III believed that people were wrongly worshiping the icons themselves.
How did the pope react to Leo’s order? Pope Gregory III excommunicated the emperor. Excommunicate: Kick out of the church!
What event in 800 increased tensions between the east and west? In 800, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, the king of the Franks, as Holy Roman emperor. This outraged the Byzantines, who felt they were the rightful rulers of the Roman Empire.
How did the relationship between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church change in 1054?
In 1054 a schism, or formal division, resulted in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church becoming two separate Christian churches.
In the west, icons were respected Icons – pictures of important Christians or events. They take the form of murals, wooden panels or mosaics. In the east, icons were used, but many disapproved of them The Schism of Christians in the Holy (Western) Roman Empire used icons because few people could read. 2. Some people in the Byzantine Empire disapproved of showing devotion to icons. 3. The controversy continued for years. It was one of many conflicts between the Church in the east and in the west. 4. In 1054, the Christian Church split into two churches forever Catholic Church *Catholic is Latin for “Universal” *Masses conducted in Latin *Pope is the supreme religious leader *Clergy does not marry WEST Orthodox Church *Orthodox is Greek for “Correct Belief” *Masses conducted in Greek; Bible translated into various languages *Patriarch appointed by the Byzantine Emperor *Bishops don’t marry, but priests can EAST
Can we recognize more details in the song?
Exit Slip: Answer the following questions: 1.Describe a difference between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2.What was the Great Schism of 1054? Why did it happen? Use complete sentences!