Jewish Connection Experiences (JCEs): Celebrations of holidays and learning that are integral to Mayim These events are required! Mini BESTY: TBS’s youth group for 4 th and 5 th graders These events are optional Parent Events: Special evenings of learning just for Mayim Parents These events are required! TBS-Wide Events: Special happenings for the whole TBS community These events are optional September 22 11:30 – 1:45PM Opening Day!Can’t wait to see you! September 22 12:00 – 12:30PM New Parent Orientation Is your family new to Mayim? Come join us at 11:30AM for T’filah (services), and then learn all about our program. September 22 4:00 - 6:00PM SUKKOT BLOCK PARTY (Optional) Join us in the TBS parking lot for food & fun as we celebrate Sukkot. Special note for the Sunday Late Chavurah: * We will have time set aside to eat lunch together. Please send your child with a healthy lunch and drink. * We will begin the day with T’filah (services) from 11:30 – 12:00PM. Parents are invited and encouraged to join us for T’filah each week. Special note for the Sunday Late Chavurah: * We will have time set aside to eat lunch together. Please send your child with a healthy lunch and drink. * We will begin the day with T’filah (services) from 11:30 – 12:00PM. Parents are invited and encouraged to join us for T’filah each week.
September 25 5:00 – 8:00PM Consecration Dinner 5:00 -5:45PM (Required for NEW Mayim students) Simchat Torah & Consecration Service 5:45 – 8:00PM (Required for NEW Mayim students. All are welcome) Children new to Mayim and their families… join us for dinner and a group photo of the Consecrants! Join us for a Simchat Torah evening service, including Consecration, when all new Mayim students are officially welcomed into our community. October 6 2:00 -5:30PM Mini BESTY: APPLE PICKING Apple Belkin Family Lookout Farm. October 13No Class Columbus Day October 20 12: :45 PM Curriculum Coffee Chat (Optional) Come learn more about the 4/5 curriculum! October 26 4:00 - 6:00 PM Parent Learning Fest: CHANUKAH An evening of learning for parents, with special activities for children. November 1 6:15 – 8:30PM Jewish Connection Experience (JCE): SIMCHAT SHABBAT DINNER 6:15 – 7:15PM SIMCHAT SHABBAT SERVICE 7:15 – 8:30PM This is a special time for the Sunday Early & Late 4/5 Chavurot to come together and have Shabbat dinner. A special musical Shabbat service November 3BESTY Bagel Day Support our youth programming by buying bagels! November 10No ClassVeterans Day December 7 2:00 – 4:00PM Mini BESTY: PLASTER FUN TIME Join us at Plaster Fun Time for painting with friends! December 1No Class Thanksgiving Weekend December 22No ClassWinter Break
December 29No ClassWinter Break January 8 6:00 - 8:00 PM Parent Learning Fest: SHABBAT An evening of learning for parents. January 19No Class MLK Weekend January 25 2:00 - 4:00PM Mini BESTY: SLEEP UNDER & HAVDALAH Come in your PJ’s as we play games and participate in a fun Havdalah ceremony January 26 Time TBA Exploration Celebration Come see what your Mayim 4/5 student has created! February 7 6:15 - 7:00PM Simchat Shabbat Service (Optional) A special joyous Shabbat service February 13 7:30 – 9:00PM “I-Can’t-Believe-We-Are-Talking-About-Bar/Bat-Mitzvah-in-the-4 th - Grade”: Beginning the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Journey at TBS 4 th Grade Parents Only February 16No Class February Vacation February 23No Class February Vacation March 16 Time TBA Jewish Connection Experience (JCE) PURIM CARNIVAL Join us for an afternoon of festive games and Purim learning activities. March 23 2:00 – 4:00PM MINI BESTY: CAMP DAY Camp TBS Enjoy camp activities with your TBS friends! March 28 4:00 – 7:00PM All BESTY: SHABBAT UNPLUGGED Enjoy dinner and Shabbat activities with all of your BESTY friends. April 4 6:15 - 7:00PM Simchat Shabbat Service (Optional) A special joyous Shabbat service April 13 2:00 - 3:30PM Mini BESTY: CHOCOLATE SEDER Chocolate TBS Enjoy the sweet taste of freedom as we retell the Passover story with a delicious Seder experience
April 20No Class April Vacation April 26 4:00 – 7:00PM Jewish Connection Experience: END OF YEAR HAVDALAH Mark the separation between this year and next with special activities and a Havdalah service. April 27No Class April Vacation May 3 7:00 -11:00PM Taste of the Town (Optional) The annual TBS fundraiser for our learning programs. Come out in support! May 9-11 Family Camp Retreat (Optional) Enjoy the weekend with your family and TBS Eisner Camp May 16 6:15 – 8:00PM Shabbat HaLimmud (Optional) Join us for a special Shabbat honoring our educators. May 18 10:30AM -Noon All-Mayim Year-End Picnic - Lag BaOmer Please note: This calendar is subject to change. For the most up to date information please visit