Physical Properties Read each slide. Look closely at each picture. Answer each question.


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Presentation transcript:

Physical Properties Read each slide. Look closely at each picture. Answer each question.

All objects are made of smaller objects that are too small to be seen with your eyes.

You must use a hand lens or a microscope to see them.

The word micro mean small. A microscope helps you see very small things.

Some objects are made of tiny pieces of the same thing.

While other objects are made of many different materials.

All things are made from smaller pieces.

A house is made of thousands of nails and wood and metal and plaster and cement.

Everything is made of smaller pieces. Some pieces are the same and some are different.

We can describe an object by its appearance. These flowers are the color purple.

These arrow heads are in the shape of diamonds.

This sandpaper is rough and scratchy.

You can also describe an object by its size. BIG small

Form is another way to describe an object. Clay can take many forms.

All objects can be described by their physical characteristics. COLOR SHAPE TEXTURE SIZE FORM

You can sort or classify objects by the physical characteristics. All of these things are round.

All of these things are made of wood.

All of these things are made out of metal.

All of these things are made out of glass.

You can sort all objects by what they are made of. Glass or Metal or Wood

or Plastic…

Everything is made out of something. Mountains are made of rocks and soil and sand.

Even the great oceans are made out of billions of tiny droplets of water.

You can classify all objects by their physical characteristics. COLOR SHAPE TEXTURE SIZE FORM

You can sort objects by their similarities and differences.

Each of these toys look different, but they are all toys.

The bear is soft and brown. The duck is plastic and yellow. The rings are round and multi colored. But they are all still toys.

Each is made of smaller objects that can not be seen with our eyes. Each can be described and sorted by its physical characteristics.

We sort and classify each object in our world by COLOR SHAPE TEXTURE SIZE FORM

QUIZ 1. What are all objects made of? ________ 2. What can you use to see small objects? _________________________________ 3. Give an example of something that is made out of smaller pieces. ___________ 4. Name the 5 different ways to sort and classify objects____ ____ ____ ____ ____