Family Ankerhusvej 77 Is sending you Christmas greeting card with pictures from the year 06 t
Our boys
There is also snow in Denmark
Lalandia swimming park is fun
Kristófer got plaster this year
This one when on plane
This two also went on plane
Everyone got to go...
Guðmundur was having confirmation
Bergþór gratuated from kindergarden
This one was folded in (is Ásta having some fat?)
We where always saying goodbye
Those visitied us
Those visited as well (and moved back to Iceland this year to the cold and windy place)
They came as well
And they as well with Guðmund (and Guðmundur stayed behind as he moved now to DK)
This year we bought Camp-let
And we went camping
There are different transportations in camping
Bergþór started school
And Guðmundur went to new school as well (in DK)
Jersie School had big celebration with Icelandic viking (Kristófer).
Guðmundur baked for all visitors that came on the open day
Bergþór took his father through obstickle path
Two guys
And Ásta simply grew...
They came few time and saved things (every time)
And new born came kl. 06:50
Family Ankerhusvej 77 Wishes you and your family Merry Christmas and happy New Year