4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir1 Keep Fit and Healthy Presentation for students.


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Presentation transcript:

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir1 Keep Fit and Healthy Presentation for students

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir2 How to be healthy? Keep moving Keep moving Keep moving Keep moving Keep clean Keep clean Keep clean Keep clean Brush your teeth regularly Brush your teeth regularly Brush your teeth regularly Brush your teeth regularly Eat healthy food Eat healthy food Eat healthy food Eat healthy food Organize your daily routines Organize your daily routines Organize your daily routines Organize your daily routines Visit a doctor if you need Visit a doctor if you need Visit a doctor if you need Visit a doctor if you need Keep smiling Keep smiling Keep smiling Keep smiling

Brush your teeth twice a day! Do you know how to do it?

Brushing your side teeth Brush 2 to 3 teeth at a time using small circular strokes. The brush should be at a 45 degree angle to your gum line

Brushing your molars Clean the chewing surface of your teeth by moving the brush back and forth

Brushing your front teeth Brush the inside of your upper and lower front teeth with short vertical strokes

Flossing Move the floss between your teeth

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir8 Keep moving Keep moving  Do some sports 3 or 4 times a week  Go for a walk every day  Spend weekends out-of – town  Never use a lift  Learn some exercises and do them regularly

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 9 Let’s learn some exercises now! Raise your arms behind your head, stretch yourself Let’s climb an imaginary rope ladder, clench your right hand, clench your left hand… Now let’s work as a pump. Bend your body to the right, to the left. Let’s jump. Legs apart, legs together. Let’s pick up flowers. Squat down, pick it up, rise And now boxing. Box! Knockdown! Box! knockout !

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 10 Raise your arms behind your head, stretch yourself

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 11 Ri What should you do ? 1

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir Let’s climb an imaginary ladder, clench your right hand, clench your left hand…

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 13 2 What should we do?

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 14 3 Now let’s work as a pump. Bend your body to the left, to the right

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 15 3 What should we do?

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 16 4 Now let’s jump, legs apart, legs apart, legs together… legs together…

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 17 4 What should we do?

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 18 5 Now let’s pick up flowers, squat, pick them up, rise.

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir What should we do?

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 20 6 And now boxing. Box! Knockdown! Box! Knockout!

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 21 6 What should we do?

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir22 Keep yourself clean Keep yourself clean How often do you … How often do you … take a bath? take a bath? take a shower? take a shower? brush your teeth? brush your teeth? comb your hair? comb your hair? wash your hair? wash your hair? clean your shoes? clean your shoes?

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir23 TO KEEP HEALTHY AND FRESH YOU SHOULD Take a bath twice a week Take a bath twice a week

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir24 Keep yourself clean Take a shower twice a day Take a shower twice a day

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir25 Keep yourself clean Brush your teeth twice a day Brush your teeth twice a day

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir26 Keep yourself clean Comb your hair 5 times a day Comb your hair 5 times a day

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir27 Keep yourself clean Wash your hair twice a week Wash your hair twice a week

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir28 Keep yourself clean Clean your shoes every day Clean your shoes every day

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir29 TO KEEP HEALTHY AND FRESH YOU SHOULD Take a shower once or twice a day Take a shower once or twice a day Take a bath twice a week Take a bath twice a week Brush your teeth twice a day Brush your teeth twice a day Comb your hair 5 times a day Comb your hair 5 times a day Wash your hair twice a week Wash your hair twice a week Clean your shoes every day Clean your shoes every day Clean your shoes every day Clean your shoes every day

Eat healthy food Do you know what is good for you and what is not? Do you know what is good for you and what is not?

You can’t live without vitamins VitaminsFunctionSources A Night vision, skin, bones and teeth Milk, cheese, butter, eggs B2 Gives energy Milk, green vegetables, bread B1 Nerve system pork, ham, bread, nuts C Immune system Fruits and vegetables Dbones Eggs, liver fatty fish+ sunshine

What do you remember about vitamins? AA B 1 B 2 B 1B 2 AB 1B 2 CC D D CD

Vitamin A Night vision, skin,bones and teeth Night vision, skin,bones and teeth Milk, cheese, butter, eggs

Vitamin B 2 Gives energy Milk, green vegetables, bread

Vitamin B 1 Nerve system pork, ham, bread, nuts

Vitamin C Immunesystem Fruits and vegetables

Vitamin D bones Eggs, liver, fatty fish+ sunshine

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir38 Keep your daily routines Get up early Get up early Have 3 or 4 meals a day Have 3 or 4 meals a day Spend 2 or 3 hours a day out-of- door Spend 2 or 3 hours a day out-of- door Don’t spend long hours watching TV or playing computer game Don’t spend long hours watching TV or playing computer game Go to bed in time Go to bed in time

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir39 Answer the questions about your habits, analyze your results 1.How long do you sleep at night? a) 8 hours a) 8 hours b) less than 8 hours b) less than 8 hours c) more than 8 hours c) more than 8 hours

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir40 2.What time do you go to bed? a) at 10 o’clock a) at 10 o’clock b) at 11 o’clock b) at 11 o’clock c) later or don’t sleep at all c) later or don’t sleep at all

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir41 3.Do you do morning exercises? a) regularly a) regularly b) once in while b) once in while C) never C) never

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir42 4. Do you play any sports besides your P. T. classes? a) 3 hours a week a) 3 hours a week b) more than 3 hours a week b) more than 3 hours a week c) I prefer reading c) I prefer reading

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir43 5. How long do you watch TV or play computer games a day? a) less than 2 hours a) less than 2 hours b) more than 2 hours b) more than 2 hours c) I don’t have a TV set or a computer at home c) I don’t have a TV set or a computer at home

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir44 6. Do you clean your teeth? a) once a day a) once a day b) twice a day b) twice a day c) I don’t clean them, they are white without any cleaning c) I don’t clean them, they are white without any cleaning

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir45 7. How many meals a day you have? a) 3 or 4 a) 3 or 4 b) 1, after coming home from school b) 1, after coming home from school c) I eat all day along c) I eat all day along

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir46 8.Do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables every days? a) almost every day a) almost every day b) once or twice a week b) once or twice a week c) I prefer meat and chocolates c) I prefer meat and chocolates

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir47 9.Do you have a shower regularly? a) every day a) every day b) twice a day b) twice a day c) once a week c) once a week

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir48 10.Do you smoke? a) never a) never b) only in company 1 or 2 cigarettes a week b) only in company 1 or 2 cigarettes a week c) every day c) every day

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir49 11.Do you drink alcohol? a) never a) never b) only on holidays with my parents b) only on holidays with my parents c) I’m not against a bottle of beer c) I’m not against a bottle of beer

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir Have you ever tried drugs? a) never a) never b) I haven’t but I’d like to… b) I haven’t but I’d like to… c) I have tried it c) I have tried it

4/20/2015Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir 51 You results: Your lifestyle is healthy and you keep fit ! Congratulations !!! Your lifestyle should be changed in some aspects and you’ll be fit and healthy. You should change everything, eat healthy food, stop smoking and begin to exercise as soon as possible.

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir52 For kids to remember: Never treat any illness on your own. Always talk to your parents and a doctor first! Never treat any illness on your own. Always talk to your parents and a doctor first!

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir53 If you have a sore throat drink hot milk with honey. drink hot milk with honey.

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir54 If you have as a small cut wash it and put a plaster on it.

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir55 If you have a flue … stay in bed and drink a lot of tea stay in bed and drink a lot of tea

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir56 If you have a cold keep warm and drink a lot of tea with lemon keep warm and drink a lot of tea with lemon

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir57 If you’ve broken your arm or leg stay calm and call for help stay calm and call for help

4/20/2015 Istratova Ludmila School 36 Vladimir58 If you have a burn put your arm under cold running water put your arm under cold running water