Lambeth Council – a Cooperative Council
Mark Hynes Director of Corporate Affairs
The Borough of Lambeth Lambeth is one of 14 local authorities which make up Inner London. It is one of the most densely populated inner London boroughs, with a population of around 320,000. Lambeth is home to dynamic and diverse communities from all over the world w ith approximately 150 languages being spoken.
Lambeth is made up of 21 wards.. The Borough of Lambeth
Images of Lambeth
The Borough of Lambeth
UK National Context
UK National Context – reduce demand for services
UK National Context – alternative funding
UK National Context
At times of change, those who adapt quickest survive
Seismic Shifts
UK National Context Trust and leadership
UK National Context Facilitators, Co-ordinators, Brokers, "sign posters" to services
UK National Context - outsourcing
UK National Context Local people are involved as "co- producers" in their design and delivery
UK National Context – Social Enterprise New wholly owned service delivery vehicles Joint ventures (with other public bodies, charities or the private sector) Arm's-length trading vehicles Mutuals
Lambeth Context Comprises 63 elected councillors Labour 70%, Liberal Democrat 24%, Conservative 6% Leader and cabinet model Civic Mayor
Lambeth Context Silos
Lambeth Context Clusters
The Council Structure The council is currently organised into three clusters Commissioning Enabling Delivery
Whole system change is complex at best…
The council is currently organised into three clusters Commissioning Enabling Delivery Fiendish at worst…
The Council Structure The council is currently organised into three clusters Commissioning Enabling Delivery
Lambeth Cooperative Council UK’s first cooperative council The council will do things with local people instead of doing things to them.
The Question How do we build a new relationship between the citizen and the state (government)?
Lambeth Cooperative Council
Lambeth Cooperative Council Collaboration is key!
Lambeth Cooperative Council Make most of community’s assets
We sought views on: Principles How the council and citizens should work together What would encourage citizens to be part of the cooperative council
We found: Local state needs to support and enable; not just ‘do’ Local people need a strong voice in the design of services/activities Local state should encourage communities to secure services/activities Local state needs to invest in the infrastructure to make this happen Public services should be accessible
What we have learnt: Managing risk Practical issues around governance, citizen engagement and accountability Harnessing the energies and assets of communities Building capacity HR, IT and procurement become enabling not just regulatory functions
Brixton Market
Library Services
Give it a go: Libraries
Youth Services
Good for Nothing
Snow Wardens
Fresh view
Brixton Pound
Leisure centres
Legal services
Work Shop
Insurance services
Community Green Champions
Made in Lambeth