E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 1 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Borough of Westwood Hurricane Irene – FEMA 4021-DR-NJ Sgt. Michael Gallagher, NJOEM Michael Foley, FEMA
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 2 What Is Hazard Mitigation? Sustained action to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from hazards.
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 3 Common Hazards Hurricane FloodEarthquake WildfireTornado
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 4 Unified HMA Grant Programs
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 5 Unified HMA Grant Programs Robert T. Stafford Act Grant Programs Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Grant Programs Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL)
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 6 What can be funded? √ √√ √√√ √√√ Multi-HazardPlanningProjects √
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 7 Mitigation Projects (1 of 3) Elevation of Utilities Elevation of Structures Property Acquisitions
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 8 Mitigation Projects (2 of 3) Wind Retrofits Public Buildings Wind Retrofits – Shutters Residential Structures
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 9 Mitigation Projects (3 of 3) FEMA 361 Safe Rooms Soil Stabilization Minor Flood Reduction
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 10 Eligible Applicants and Subapplicants Applicants State agencies Tribal governments Subapplicants State agencies Tribal governments (except where prohibited) Local governments/communities Private non-profit organizations (HMGP only)
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 11 Cost-Share Requirements Federal Share Typically FEMA may provide up to 75% PDM, FMA, RFC and SRL may provide a higher cost-share under certain circumstances Non-Federal Share Typically the Non-Federal cost share is 25% In-Kind Contributions Other Federal Funds ICC NFIP Insurance Benefits
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 12 Programmatic Requirements Cost Effectiveness Feasibility & Effectiveness Hazard Mitigation Plan (except RFC) Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation National Flood Insurance Program
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 13 Grant Lifecycle
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 14 HMGP Overview HMGP may become available after a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration Provides 75% federal funding to implement long- term, cost-effective mitigation measures Allocated during the immediate recovery period Request is made by the Governor Request can be for the entire State or in specific areas The Governor’s Authorized Representative (GAR) serves as the Grant Administrator
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 15 HMGP Sliding Scale Up to 15% of the first $2B of the estimated aggregate amount of disaster assistance Up to 10% of disaster assistance more than $2B and up to $10B 7.5% of disaster assistance more than $10B and up to $35.333B
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 16 State Administrative Plan Required to receive HMGP funds Procedural Guide that details how the grantee will administer HMGP and State Management Costs Identifies the SHMO Identifies staffing requirements Establishes accounting procedures
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 17 State Responsibilities Manage the program Solicit subapplications Ensure subapplication eligibility Set funding priorities Monitor grant and subgrants Ensuring compliance with program and grant management requirements
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 18 Unified HMA Webpage and Guidance For more information on HMA programs please go to: The HMA webpage at The Unified HMA Guidance at
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 19 FEMA HMA Technical Assistance FEMA provides technical assistance for preparing the support data for the subapplication Engineering Feasibility Assistance: Benefit-Cost Analysis Assistance: Environmental/Historical Preservation Compliance: Contact (866) for any of the above 48-hour response time
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 20 Technical Resources FEMA has published many technical documents to assist States and communities to promote sustainable community development and mitigation practices FEMA Document Library FEMA Building Science Website
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 21 NEXT STEPS Decide if you are interested in either Acquisition Elevation Sign a statement of voluntary participation Provide to Borough Non-binding Homeowners
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 22 NEXT STEPS Determine community interest Make tough decisions on elevation vs. acquisition Work with NJOEM/FEMA to develop HMGP Application Make priority decisions on homes based on available $$. Develop future applications for Non-disaster HMA programs Borough of Westwood
E257 State Directors Training - Mitigation 23 The End Questions Sgt. Michael Gallagher, NJOEM Michael Foley, FEMA Alan Aldridge, FEMA