In the name of Allah the most beneficent most Merciful
2 Assalamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah, It gives me great pleasure and honour to introduce to you this presentation, about the exciting new development of the Greenwich Muslim Centre (GMC). This is an innovative community development project, pioneered by one of the oldest mosques in the South East of London. From its humble beginning to this day, it has been at the forefront of community involvement, contributing to the cultural, social and economic development of the area. Following on this tradition, planning is currently underway to build this new centre of excellence for the benefit of all communities in the South East of London – Muslims and non – Muslims. This innovative centre will house: Increased congregational prayer space and Wudu facilities Educational facilities for children and adults including Islamic School, Tahfizul Qur’an and Shari’ah courses Wide range of community and youth provisions, social welfare, Culture and Heritage and community development Facilities promoting interaction between Muslims and Non – Muslims Generation of employment opportunities for Muslims within the new complex. Creating business opportunities within the Borough of Greenwich. By the grace of Allah (swt), local people have been donating generously towards the cost of this exciting new project. We need the support of more generous donors in order to enable us to raise enough funds to materialise our plans. This presentation will show you how we hope to do that. We urge you to come forward and help us build this flagship centre in London’s South East, where thousands of Muslims interact with the wider community. We eagerly look forward to receiving your support in this noble project and welcome you to visit us. Wassalamu ‘ alaykum Dr Tariq Abbasi mobile: DIRECTOR
3 Our Mission Al Quran: Invite (all) to the way of your Lord with Wisdom and beautiful preaching Al Nahal 125 Our Vision Preserving the strength and commitment of the Muslim community in the London Borough of Greenwich, Bexley Borough and its surroundings Our Aims Identifying and fulfilling various needs of the local Muslim community. Tackling misconception and misrepresentation of Islam and bridging gaps between local Non Muslims by promoting real understanding of Islam. Educate young children to prepare them for the future to preserve and practice Islam in their daily lives. Create a conducive environment for effective interaction between Muslims and non- Muslims.
5 (Woolwich Mosque) 131 Plumstead Road London SE18 7DW Tel: Fax: Registered Charity no :
6 Location Map Greenwich Woolwich & Plumstead London Borough of Greenwich Greenwich Islamic Centre
7 Greenwich Islamic Centre (Brief History)
8 BREIF HISTORY GREENWICH ISLAMIC CENTRE During the early 1970’s, the Muslims in the London borough of Greenwich and its surrounding areas used private houses and hired various halls for Friday, Eid and Taraweeh prayers. In order to have a permanent presence and cater for the needs of Muslims, Greenwich Islamic Centre came into being in 1973, with an aim to acquiring a suitable premises for Mosque and community centre. In 1975 the centre was registered as a Charitable organisation under the registration no: The Mosque is located on the South East side of the city of London, close to the Greenwich University, Woolwich community College and other centres of education and hence has become a focal point for students, the local community, as well as for the Arabic and English speaking communities, both males and females. The Mosque has become an international centre, playing an important role in uniting and serving all Muslims in the borough. Because of the Mosque's close location to the educational institutions, students and their families also attend it's activities and daily prayers on a regular basis.
9 The Old Mosque: The Mosque was originally based at 40 – Woolwich New Road, Woolwich. London SE18. In late 1975 the Centre rented a suitable premises from the London Borough Of Greenwich at the above address. In February 1980 the Centre vacated these Premises due to Council’s development plans of this site. The New Centre: Greenwich Islamic Centre acquired a dilapidated building and land at 131-Plumstead Road, London SE18 7DW in May An architect was engaged to design a Mosque and Community Centre at this site to cater for the religious needs of growing Muslim Community in the Borough of Greenwich. In 1981 a planning application was submitted for the construction of this Centre. The permission was granted by the Council in early Due to limited funds it was decided to construct the Mosque in two phases. A contract was signed and phase- I construction started on June 4 th, 1985 ( Ramadan 25 th, 1405 H ) Phase – I construction was completed in 1988, and the Centre was Registered as a Place of Religious Worship, in accordance with the Place of Worship Registration Act registration no:
10 The Mosque was originally built to cater the needs of handful of local Muslim families, however during the past 10 years the Mosque congregation has grown rapidly and now it is serving the needs of almost families of the Borough of Greenwich as well as 4000 Muslims from the neighbouring Borough of Bexley Friday prayers are attended by almost brothers and sisters and the family is growing each day. AlhamdoLillah.
11 Greenwich Islamic Centre : (at Present) The Centre has the following facilities: 1. Main prayer hall, Capacity for 400 brothers. 2. Ladies prayer balcony, Capacity for 100 sisters. 3. Basement prayer hall, Capacity for 400 brothers. 4. Hall adjacent to the main prayer hall, capacity 200 brothers. 5. Small Library with a small selection of Islamic books. 6. Small kitchen Area 7. Management office, storage rooms, and washing facilities for both males and females. 8. Basic funeral facilities provided by some brothers independent of Mosque. 9. Fenced car park for 100 cars. 10. Wudu (ablution) area in the basement, currently in a very poor state.
12 Front Elevation
14 Car Park Car park space which is to be utilised for GMC extension
15 Centre's car park on Fridays
16 Proposed Extension site for additional prayer halls On Fridays, due to the lack of space inside the building, this temporary shed is used by the Congregation. beforeafter
17 Small parcel of land to be negotiated with the Greenwich council
18 Friday Prayer gathering
19 Wudu area in the basement
21 1-The new centre will act as a hub of community activities and provide social, cultural, religious and educational services in an environment meeting the needs and preferences of the Muslim community 2- To meet the shortage of prayer space by building additional halls. 3- To provide much needed wudu and washing facilities 4- To develop a model centre of Excellence for learning, understanding and practicing Islam. 5- To develop innovative partnerships with service agencies thereby contributing to meeting the needs of the diverse community in the Borough of Greenwich, Bexley and beyond. 6- To hold Islamic and cultural awareness exhibitions. WHY GMC?
22 O nce complete, the new centre plans to run a range of projects, which will benefit thousands of people using the facilities. These services are integrated projects grouped under 5 areas: Religious, Education and Training, Social Welfare, Culture and Heritage and Economic Development. Religious Services: Ablution and wash area Prayer Halls Friday sermon – Khutba Islam awareness exhibition Shari’ah Advice and Guidance Islam awareness Project Muslim Families outreach project Marriage and Registration Ceremony Hajj and Umra Training Muslim Funeral and Bereavement Education and Training: Tahfizul Qur’an Arabic and Islamic Classes Primary School Evening Quran Classes ICT Training English Language Classes Homework and Supplementary Classes Islamic Reference Library Open Learning Resource Centre After School & weekend kids’ club
23 Social Welfare: Ramadan community Radio Health and promotion and awareness Counselling & Advocacy Service Muslim Women’s Relief Project Mothers and Toddlers Group Recreational Facilities For Children Drugs Awareness Programme Luncheon Club For Muslim Elderly Muslim Youth Centre parenting Skills Workshop Culture & Heritage: Multicultural Exhibitions Ramadan Social Programme Islamic Book Centre Guided Tours of the Mosque Events and Seminar Facilities Economic Development: Job search and Career Advise Enterprise and Business Development Capacity Building For Organisations Conference and Seminar Hall Regeneration Workshops Workspace for Islamic Arts and Crafts Muslim Women’s Enterprise Volunteers Training & Network
26 Wudu area
27 Men’s wudu (washroom) facilities (on all floors) Ladies wudu (washroom) facilities (on all floors) 1.WC’S 2.WASH BASINS 3.SHOWERS 4.DRINKING WATER 5.DISABLED TOILETS 1.WC’S 2.WASH BASINS 3.SHOWERS 4.DRINKING WATER 5.DISABLED TOILETS 6.BABY CHANGING UNITS
28 Greenwich Muslim Centre GMC ISLAMIC SCHOOL The aims of starting up an Islamic School are to strive to provide the best education in a secure Islamic environment through the knowledge and application of Islam. This is achievable by combining the English National Curriculum and Islamic ethos in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect. We at GMC are aiming for extremely high ethics and self esteem, making the students proud to be British and Muslims. THIS PROJECT WILL GENERATE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITITES IN THE BOTH BOROUGH OF GREENWICH AND BEXLEY.
29 GMC School
30 Greenwich Muslim Centre Library GMC library will have state of the art facilities to conduct research in various fields of Islam. IT ROOM: This library will have an integrated IT facilities room for online research as well as IT training facilities for the youth.
31 Gymnasium: For our youths, Brothers / Sisters For a healthy mind and body exercise is a vital component and GMC have committed itself to providing in house gymnasium facilities for Brother and sisters. Sisters will have their own training sessions which will be administered by sisters. This section of GMC will also generate employment opportunities.
32 Greenwich Muslim Centre Cafeteria New cafeteria will serve the needs of our community as well as provide halal catering facilities for the children school dinners
33 Swimming Pool for Sisters / Brothers In the London Borough of Greenwich currently there are no ladies only swimming and other sports facilities available, and where these facilities may be available are being monitored by men which is against the teachings of Islam. GMC will provide ladies only swimming days which will be monitored by professional female life guards. This project will further produce employment opportunities for the interested candidates. These facilities will also be available to all girl schools which do not have such facilities linked to their schools.
34 GMC Community Hall for Seminars / Functions / Iftar Parties / Sports GMC have made special provisions for the construction of a Muslim community centre to cater for the ever growing needs of the local Muslims. This centre will also generate employment opportunities for the Muslims of the Borough of Greenwich and Bexley.
35 GMC Community Hall Greenwich Islamic Centre plans to have its own sports hall which will be equipped with state of the art facilities for brothers and sisters. This sports hall is to be a multipurpose hall hosting following activities: 1 – Indoor Football 2 – Indoor Basket Ball 3 – Conference Centre 4 – Private Functions 5 – Lectures 6 – PE facilities for School Children 7 – Iftar Parties ( Ramadan ) 8 – Community gathering 9 – Celebrations of National Days of various communities 10 – Cultural seminars 11 – Islamic Exhibitions 12 – Multimedia Presentations on Islamic awareness
36 Underground Parking GMC will have its own underground parking, making it easier for the worshippers / visitors to park safely and securely and help reduce illegal parking in the neighbourhood areas.
37 GIC Funeral Services For several years the local Muslims have used funeral services available through the arrangements with the East London Mosque. GIC will make provisions for its in house funeral facilities available to Muslims of both Boroughs and its neighbouring towns.
38 Greenwich Islamic Centre is a registered charity and relies very heavily on the generous donations, however every effort shall be made to make the centre self sufficient in the future through providing the following services / facilities to the community: FUTURE INCOME FOR THE CENTRE: 1 – Membership Fee for using the Gym facilities ( Monthly ) 2 – Membership Fee for using the Swimming facilities ( Monthly ) 3 – Monthly / Quarterly fee for children at Islamic School 4 - Usage of Community / sports hall for functions. Weddings, seminars etc.( charges payable ) 5 – Rental Income from retail Shops 6 – Rental income from the Cafeteria of the Mosque 7 – Small Kiosk ( for Islamic Books ) perfumery, etc 8 – Bill Boards ( Outside the existing Mosque building ) 9 – GIC Funeral Services 10 – Provide Nikah and Marriage certificates for a small donation to the Centre. 11 – Membership subscriptions
39 Funds Available at PRESENT The Greenwich Islamic Centre, currently have a sum of approximately £170,000 available in its construction account held at HSBC Bank. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST : £ 3,000,000 APPROX THREE MILLION POUNDS
40 GIC Balance Sheet
41 GIC / GMC Projected Construction cost
42 GMC / GIC projected construction cost
43 Proposed Interior of the main prayer hall
45 Your Contribution The Greenwich Islamic Centre is a registered Charity and heavily relies on the generous contributions made by the brothers and sisters like yourselves. In order to start and finish this noble project, we continuously need your support. Donate yourself – You can donate from your personal As well as business assets. Get others to Donate: encourage your friends and families To donate generously.
46 : GRENWICH ISLAMIC CENTRE Construction Fund Account: HSBC BANK 15 – Wellington Street, Woolwich. London SE18 Account name: Greenwich Islamic Centre Account no: Branch Sort Code: DONATIONS Donations can be sent directly to our bank Registered Charity no: You may also send your donations by cheques made Payable to `` Greenwich Islamic Centre`` 131 – Plumstead Road, London SE18 7DW Tel:
47 GMC welcome individual and corporate sponsorship sponsoring areas of floors of the new centre. Brothers and sisters can sponsor a class room, wudu area, funeral facilities, library books etc. The donations can be made in the form of Bricks, cement, steel, central heating, carpets, electrical equipments, fans, central air conditioned units, labour costs. As soon as the construction starts, we will display the costs of each item and or phase on the notice board, for example if some brother or sister wish to donate 1000 bricks, we will give them the cost of 1000 bricks and these will be delivered in their name to the Centre upon receipt of the specified donation. The centre will be happy to display a name plaque in the sponsored areas if so desired by the donors. If 1000 generous brothers and sisters donate £ 1000 each, GMC will have £ 1,000,000 These donations can be made in instalments, ie £ 100 per month. All brothers and sisters donating £ 1000 will be offered lifetime membership of the centre. SPONSOR AREAS
49 Greenwich Islamic Centre Board of Trustees
50 Trustees of Greenwich Islamic Centre The management of GIC is made up of the following 17 trustees, out of which 8 trustees are serving on the Executive Board. Dr Tariq Abbasi Br Asad H. Egeh BrHamid H Ismail Br Aziz Uddin Br Irfan Younis Br Khurshid Ahmed Qureshi Br Suber I.Farah Br Chakib Sidi Boumeddine Br H.Wahab Br Muse Jama Mohamed Br Bashir M. Ismail Br Adnan Majid Br Saeed Omer Ahmed Br Ansar Ali Br Saedi Dahir Br Saeed Omer Ahmed Br Badheer Ballam
51 GIC Executive Committee
52 Management of GIC The management of GIC is made up of 8 Trustees Dr Tariq Abbasi Director Br Assad H Egeh Deputy Director BrHamid H Ismail Admin Secretary Br Irfan Younis Secretary of Finance Br Suber I.Farah Membership Secretary Br H.Wahab Education Secretary Br Bashir M. Ismail Mosque Secretary Br Saeed Omer Ahmed Public Relation Secretary
53 GIC Bankers
54 Bankers of the: GRENWICH ISLAMIC CENTRE Construction Fund Account: HSBC BANK 15 – Wellington Street, Woolwich. London SE18 Account name: Greenwich Islamic Centre Account no: Branch Sort Code: Membership & General Fund Account: Barclays Bank Plumstead High Street, London SE18. Account name: Greenwich Islamic Centre Account no: / Branch Sort Code:
55 GIC Accountants
56 Maurice G Wood Plumstead Road, London SE18
57 GIC Solicitors
58 Solicitors Bindman & Partners 275 – Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8QB Tel: Fax: Rudd Jepson Solicitors 131 – 133 Southlands Road, Bromley, Kent BR2 9QT Tel: Fax:
59 : GRENWICH ISLAMIC CENTRE Construction Fund Account: HSBC BANK 15 – Wellington Street, Woolwich. London SE18 Account name: Greenwich Islamic Centre Account no: Branch Sort Code: Online donation facilities will be made available soon DONATIONS Donations can be sent directly to our bank or by cheque or cash Registered Charity no: You may also send your donations by cheques made Payable to `` Greenwich Islamic Centre`` 131 – Plumstead Road, London SE18 7DW Tel: Fax: