A Quality of Life Assessment
Project Team Project Consultant: Amy Flowers, Ph.D. Project Manage: Kathryn Dodge, Ph.D. Project Advocate: Torie Foote Advisory Committee Hank Bartos Denise Daniello Wendy Dominique Jennifer Jolis Banarsi Lal Karen Parr Bella Jean Savino Freda M. Williams Vickie L. Wilson Allison K. Wing Karen Wood
The Question What services and characteristics of Fairbanks encourage seniors and baby boomers to stay – or leave – the FNSB? What actions can the FNSB, community, and service providers take to strengthen these services or characteristics?
Methodology 414 early input survey participants 35 qualitative and in-person interviews 11 community forums with 78 participants Phone/on-line/paper survey 251 seniors 250 baby boomers 49 internet / paper
Gender of All Respondents
Age of All Respondents
Race/Ethnicity of All Participants
Common Complaints Not enough Medicare doctors Door to door transportation should be readily available – wherever the door is in the borough Don’t want to ask people for help Don’t know who or where to ask for help Energy too expensive Limited housing options
Common Misconceptions Borough has social service powers Tax dollars pay to deliver transportation services I can move when I need to Boomers will never be seniors No jobs available for seniors
Proposed Service Delivery Model Centralized Service Delivery North Pole Chena Ridge Salcha Ester Two Rivers Fox
Importance of Services to Boomers and Seniors
Satisfaction with service
Issues Sorted by Importance to Seniors
Gaps in Importance Job opportunities Job training /career development Recreational opportunities Services to help seniors stay in homes Public transportation Affordable senior housing Doctors specializing in older people Continuing education and learning Caregiver support services Availability of assisted living facilities Mental Health services Sense of community Doctors that take Medicare
Attitudes towards Health Related Issues
Comparison of Senior and Boomers on Health-Related Issues
* Beta scores in multiple regression analysis indicate the relative impact of each variable on the program’s overall effectiveness score. R2=.586 Significance of the model=.000 Q55 I would like to work part-time in my retirement years (.346) Q42 I recognize most of the people who live in my community (.761) Q53 Growing older has limited the kinds of activities I can do (-.344) Q58 I have lost out on a promotion raise or other benefit at work because of age (-.502) Q56 I know someone who has experienced elder abuse (.460) How important are mental health services to the quality of life for seniors and future seniors in the Borough? Q57 “I have the information I need regarding retirement and financial planning for old age” (-.535)
Why Do People Stay? Having family and friends nearby Friendliness of community Willingness of community to help others Strong sense of community Recreational and continuing education activities
Why Do People Leave? Harsh climate Family elsewhere Lack of job opportunities Cost of housing Cost of heat
Why are Seniors Important to Our Community? Investors Voters Opinion influencers Volunteers Mentors Part of the family Caregivers Active historians
How Should We Invest in our Seniors? Investing in: Transportation helps seniors stay in their homes Coordinating service delivery improves quality of life and reduces expense of service Providing senior housing reduces injuries and cost of service delivery
What Can We Do? Things We Can Change or Influence Friendly community Job opportunities for seniors & baby boomers Cost of energy Affordable housing Coordination of service delivery People friendly winter environments Advocate for improvements in whole person healthcare Things We Can’t Change Presence of family Harsh climate
What Can Our Community Do? Develop: Aging and Disability Resource Center Improved transportation system System to coordinate volunteers and part-time senior home care/rehab workers Additional affordable senior housing Workforce development services Resolve health and social services powers issue within borough Strengthen FNSB Senior Commission
Next Steps Make final results available to service providers, local and state government Establish Aging and Disability Resource Center Explore establishing transportation and service delivery system for outlying areas Review FNSB Senior Commission placement, charter, and funding Inform Alaska State Strategy for Senior Services Develop local Strategy for Senior Services Strengthen relationship with Alaska Commission on Aging
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