‘All Crime’- Annual Trends and Quarterly Updates 05/06 Annually Annually: 2.6% Decrease experienced between 02/03 and 04/05 Equating to 218 less incidents. Quarterly: 11.3% Decrease experienced between Q1 and Q3 (05/06) Equating to 245 fewer incidents.
‘All Crime’ Nine Month Offending - Southall High Intensity Areas: South Road The Broadway High Street Areas of Increased Activity: Merrick Road Southall Green Ealing Hospital Haldane Road Total Allegations for previous 9 Months = 6,136 (21.43% of Borough Total).
‘Violence Against the Person’ - Annual Trends and Quarterly Updates 05/06 Annually Annually: 17.6% Increase experienced between 02/03 and 04/05 Equating to 266 more incidents. Quarterly: 36.2% Decrease experienced between Q1 and Q3 (05/06) Equating to 71 fewer incidents.
‘Violence Against the Person’ Nine Month Offending - Southall High Intensity Areas: South Road/High Street Ealing Hospital Areas of Increased Activity: The Broadway Haldane Road Lawson Road Total Allegations for previous 9 Months = 519 (25.9% of Borough Total).
‘Residential Burglary’ - Annual Trends and Quarterly Updates 05/06 Annually Annually: 29.8% Decrease experienced between 02/03 and 04/05 Equating to 201less incidents. Quarterly: 18.4% Increase experienced between Q1 and Q3 (05/06) Equating to 23 more incidents.
‘Residential Burglary’ Nine Month Offending - Southall High Intensity Areas: High Street/Park Road Areas of Increased Activity: Ascot Gardens Sutherland Road Dane Rd/Saxon Road Beaconsfield Road Avenue Road Knowsley Avenue Halliday Square Atherton Place Total Allegations for previous 9 Months = 383 (15.5% of Borough Total).
‘Criminal Damage’ - Annual Trends and Quarterly Updates 05/06 Annually Annually: 12.6% Decrease experienced between 02/03 and 04/05 Equating to 159 less incidents. Quarterly: 9.7% Decrease experienced between Q1 and Q3 (05/06) Equating to 32 less incidents.
‘Criminal Damage’ Nine Month Offending - Southall High Intensity Areas: South Road High Street Areas of Increased Activity: Whitecote Road/Haldane Road Southall Enterprise Centre Waltham Road/Featherstone Road Talbot Road Tudor Road The Broadway Total Allegations for previous 9 Months = 914 (23.5% of Borough Total).
‘Street Crime’ - Annual Trends and Quarterly Updates 05/06 Annually Annually: 46.5% Decrease experienced between 02/03 and 04/05 Equating to 413 less incidents. Quarterly: 37.8 Decrease experienced between Q1 and Q3 (05/06) Equating to 70 less incidents.
‘Street Crime’ Nine Month Offending - Southall High Intensity Areas: The Broadway High Street South Road Areas of Increased Activity: Southall Green Total Allegations for previous 9 Months = 1911 (23% of Borough Total).
‘Motor Vehicle Crime - Annual Trends and Quarterly Updates 05/06 Annually Annually: 34.7% Decrease experienced between 02/03 and 04/05 Equating to 512 less incidents. Quarterly: 97.4% Increase experienced between Q1 and Q3 (05/06) Equating to 151 more incidents.
‘Motor Vehicle Crime’ Nine Month Offending - Southall High Intensity Areas: The Dominion Centre Waterside Hill Areas of Increased Activity: The Broadway High Street South Road Ealing Hospital Merrick Road Southall Green Total Allegations for previous 9 Months = 634 (16.2% of Borough Total).
‘ASB’ 2004/ Southall % Representation of Southall towards Borough Wide ASB levels = 22% Total ASB incidents Borough Wide32,246 Total ASB incidents in Southall7,071
‘ASB’ 2004/ Southall % Representation of Southall towards Borough Wide ASB levels = 22%