Demonstrating Effective Neighborhood Delivery North Fulham NDC Abi Gilbert - Health and Well Being Theme Manager
Prosperous and healthy, but low “quality of life Good for children, strong economy but poor environment Affluent, dynamic and well located Levels of inequality reflect extreme wealth and deprivation Hammersmith & Fulham is already an exciting place to live and work. Its economy is growing, we have a thriving cultural and sporting scene and a high rate of new businesses starting up using the borough as a base. However, we face real challenges too. This is a borough of contrasts where too many people feel that the ladder of opportunity has slipped away… The statistics paint the picture. On one hand the Parliamentary constitution of Hammersmith & Fulham is the 15th richest in Britain, yet one in five of our workforce are on some form of benefits. We have the fourth highest property prices in the UK, yet we are second only to Tower Hamlets with the number of children receiving free school meals… H&F Council Leader Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh, Continued economic success, danger of inequality growing What is H & F like?
North sub area : deprived families in public housing, mixed inner city urban – modest means, and poorer minority housing Central sub area : prosperous mobile single young professionals, deprived families in public housing South sub area : prosperous mobile single young professionals, prosperous settled young professionals, well off older global professionals.
North Fulham NDC Who & what are we ? Small community led organisation Delivers 10 year neighbourhood renewal outcomes Outcomes expressed as gap with the Borough Initial assessment of need on which outcomes based done in 2000 “Creating a neighbourhood of well being and opportunity”
Children & young people to maximize their potential at School and college. Families to be able to enjoy improved levels of health and well being. Residents to gain qualifications and skills to secure work and to improve household incomes. All members of the community to feel safe and secure in their homes and neighbourhood Businesses to prosper and to be able offer a wide range of goods and services. Residents and visitors to enjoy high quality public services and amenities. Community links to be strengthened and sustained.
COMMUNITY WELL BEING Aims To create opportunities for children and young people to maximise their educational attainment in school and college To support residents experiencing disadvantage to close the gap in terms of health and well being compared with the borough averages To help individuals and families to increase household incomes by accessing work, developing skills and gaining qualifications
Stop Smoking Project (NDC) Food Cooperatives (RRU) Community- based exercise Mens football (Dmh) Exercise Referral Scheme (Dmh) Expert Patients Programme (pct) MEND (sbhc) Lifestyle Fridays (NDC) Family Support (FWA) Alcohol Project (LBHF) Tackling inequalities Young People’s Sexual Health Project (LBHF) CHEF Club (Sbhc) Community Researchers (MCF) Promotion of healthy lifestyles Managing chronic illness Health and Well being Projects Well London Lillie Road Fitness Centre (GLL) Health Trainers
Outcomes We have 26 Outcomes in total 13 Outcomes are on track of reaching their 10-Year target 13 Outcomes are not on track at the moment / have missed targets and are off track in terms of trending Based only on trending of performance up until Assumes interventions stay at same level
List of Outcomes Community Wellbeing KS 2 level 4+ science, KS2 L2 maths, KS3 L4 maths, KS2 L4 English, KS3 level 5+ in English, KS3L5 maths Teenagers hanging around on the streets Children on the Child Protection Register – CPR/1000 chdr under 16 Self-rated Health- in the last year…Good. Fair.. Exercise – 30 min 3x per week Smoking Prevalence Worklessness- due to limited illness Household Income Unemployment No qualifications – working age Liveability % of residents who believe environment impacts negatively on QOL % residents private rented tenants who rate dissatisfied with state of repair of home % of businesses with low confidence % of residents who feel unsafe alone after dark Hate Crime Residential burglary Vehicle Crime Robbery
Performance on outcomes + trends Performing Well
Well London Communities working together for a healthier city Well London Co-host Briefing, October 2007
BIG ‘funding priorities’: Changing perspectives on mental health by tackling stigma within communities and positively promoting mental health Building greater access to healthy foods to encourage increased consumption and healthier choices for everyone Improving the abilities of communities to organise and run projects that provide opportunities for local people to become more active
Philosophy of the bid Work at the very local level Work in the most deprived communities Use community development, co-production approach Join up, integrate and add value to local work on health eating, physical activity and mental health, open spaces and use cultural and creative practice throughout. Rigorous evaluation to provide learning and evidence to support rollout and mainstreaming
The Bid £9.46 million over 4 years Each local programme runs for 3 years Circa £100,000 per SOA per year Phased start –10 communities start October 07 –10 communities start April 08
Projects Heart of the Community: CADBE* W L Delivery Team Youth.comUnity Active Living Map Training Communities Wellnet *Community Assessment, Design, Brokerage, Enterprise Themed: Activate London BuyWell EatWell Changing Minds DIY Happiness MW I A Healthy Spaces Be Creative Be Well
Outcomes o34, 508 direct beneficiaries will have increased opportunity for health levels of physical activity, healthy eating and mental well being. o5,176 direct beneficiaries will have improved mental health and well being and in addition there will be more positive community perspectives on mental health & well being. o4,602 direct beneficiaries (3,424 adults and 1,178 children) will have increased uptake of healthy eating choices; including enhances access to affordable healthy foods. o4,348 direct beneficiaries will have increased levels of health physical activity. (Total Population = 34,508)
What we are good at Neighbourhood based work – 100% cover of a small area of deprivation Gap reducing – outcome driven work Community engagement and development – we have the models and the tools Project design Project development Project management Partnerships – cross cutting work Working with local providers
Keys to success Improving local services Increasing community capacity ( enabling people to do more for themselves) Adopting and evidenced based approach to delivering change Long term commitment to deliver change Communities in partnership with key agencies Community involvement and ownership Joined up thinking and solutions – action based on evidence of what works
The over-arching theme of our Community Strategy is to address the key challenge of social polarisation by delivering a Borough of Opportunity for all local residents. The objective is to put in place key building blocks of opportunity that improve social mobility and social cohesion in the area. The seven key priorities outlined in the Community Strategy are: Tackling Crime and Anti Social Behaviour Promoting Home Ownership and Housing Opportunities A Cleaner, Greener Borough A Top Quality Education for All Delivering High Quality, Value for Money Public Services Setting the Framework for a Healthy Borough Regenerating the Most Deprived Parts of the Borough London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Local Area Agreement
Local Area Agreement Improvement targets Final Version: 9 June 2008 Alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates Obesity among primary school age children in Year 6 All-age all cause mortality rate 16+ current smoking rate Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in employment Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods
Local Area Agreement Summary of Locally Agreed Indicators Children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHs) services Percentage of core assessments for children's social care that were carried out within 35 working days of their commencement Under 18 conception rate Prevalence of Chlamydia in under 25 year olds Substance misuse by young people Mortality rate from all circulatory diseases at ages under 75 Mortality from all cancers at ages under 75 People with a long-term condition supported to be independent and in control of their condition The number of emergency bed days per head of weighted population