Learning to Love BARS* *Biodiversity Action Reporting System
Reporting ONLY way of reporting to: ONLY way of reporting to: UK BAP UK BAP DEFRA & Wider Government DEFRA & Wider Government Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on Biological Diversity London is no longer a black hole! (Thank you!) London is no longer a black hole! (Thank you!)
A Tool for YOU Save time and energy – only write your BAP once! Save time and energy – only write your BAP once! Make it SMART Make it SMART
S - specific S - specific M - measurable M - measurable A - achievable A - achievable R – realistic R – realistic T - time-based & trackable T - time-based & trackable SMARTen up your BAP with BARS
“Having actually started using BARs I am seeing that BARs is a good format to base the new action plan on, as it helps identify what the action plan should cover and how it is better linked to actual biodiversity measures.” SMARTen up your BAP with BARS
Typical target without BARS… SMARTen up your BAP with BARS Typical BARS Targets… Maintain extent of acid grassland habitat in the borough at 2008 value of 31haMaintain extent of acid grassland habitat in the borough at 2008 value of 31ha Restore or create 3 ha of acid grassland at sites throughout the borough by 2015Restore or create 3 ha of acid grassland at sites throughout the borough by 2015 Maintain and extend areas of acid grassland in the borough.
A Tool for YOU Save time and energy – only write your BAP once! Save time and energy – only write your BAP once! Make it SMART Make it SMART Update and communicate
Update & Communicate Instant access to progress reports for: Public Public Councillors Councillors UK HAP & SAP leads UK HAP & SAP leads Colleagues in your borough Colleagues in your borough Each other Each other Sit back smugly at next reporting round
Corky Fruited Water Dropwort SAP: Vision Statement Vision Statement To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by Hard Copy (non-BARS) BAP 2005… and 3 years later
BARS BAP 2005 Corky Fruited Water Dropwort SAP: Vision Statement: Vision Statement: To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by 2010.
BARS BAP 2006 Corky Fruited Water Dropwort SAP: Vision Statement: Vision Statement: To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by Targets: Targets: Conserve existing location by ensuring sympathetic management. Conserve existing location by ensuring sympathetic management. Identify 2 suitable locations for translocation. Identify 2 suitable locations for translocation. Establish the species in two new locations in Borough by end of Establish the species in two new locations in Borough by end of 2008.
BARS BAP 2008 Corky Fruited Water Dropwort SAP: Vision Statement: Vision Statement: To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To conserve corky fruited water dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides) and its habitat. To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by To enhance the existing habitat and introduce the plant to new locations in Southwark where applicable by Targets: Targets: Conserve existing location by ensuring sympathetic management. Conserve existing location by ensuring sympathetic management. Identify 2 suitable locations for translocation. Identify 2 suitable locations for translocation. Establish the species in two new locations in Borough by end of Establish the species in two new locations in Borough by end of Progress towards targets: Progress towards targets: We have propagated over 100 plants from the seeds collected in 2007 and will be introducing to 2 new sites before May We have propagated over 100 plants from the seeds collected in 2007 and will be introducing to 2 new sites before May Plants introduced into 2 new locations. The locations are Belair Park and Centre for Wildlife Gardening. Plants introduced into 2 new locations. The locations are Belair Park and Centre for Wildlife Gardening.
A Tool for YOU Save time and energy – only write your BAP once! Save time and energy – only write your BAP once! Make it SMART Make it SMART Update and communicate Update and communicate Plan work schedules Plan work schedules Plan financial budgets Plan financial budgets
National Indicator (NI) 197 Demonstrate active management of local sites Continuous assessment Evidence base
NERC Duty Every public authority must, in exercising its functions, have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving Biodiversity. In demonstrating that it has fulfilled its Duty to have regard to biodiversity, a local authority is likely to be able to show that it has demonstrated progress against biodiversity indicators and targets
MONEY SITA Trust Guidance Notes: “Projects must record actions and outputs against Biodiversity Action Plans through BARS” “As soon as you know that your project has been supported by the Trust it must be registered with BARS.” “We will not be able to sign Funding Agreements or give the project the go-ahead until the project has been registered with BARS.” £416,530 not claimed over last 3 years £500,000 available for London biodiversity projects in 2009
BARS is your Friend!